Chapter 6

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Inwe watched over her as she slept, Legolas coming in and going as necessary, and she felt her heart ache for her friend. Her pain and longing swirled inside of her, and this did not help Inwe, who felt responsible for the ordeal already. She barely slept and could not force herself to eat. She only watched Merewen sleep the days away, barely looking up to register Legolas when he arrived.

“You must rest,” he said. “She needs strength and love, to be sure, but that does not mean you do not. I will watch her from here.”

Wearily, Inwe took his advice and left, first speaking softly in her friend’s ear, “sleep well and wake, you are in the presence of friends.”

Legolas held tightly to Merewen’s hand and his eyes did not leave her pale face.


Blood… battle… pain… dizziness… heartache… silence… noise… bliss… quiet… peace…

Subconsciously, my mind swam with emotions, thoughts, and fear. Fear was prominent, ever present, and in my heart, all I wanted to do was run.

Then there was light, pain, and silence. My mind was silent. However, the room was loud. Birds chirped, and curtains rustled with the breeze; every sound was twice as loud. I could smell and feel everything. Berries and spiced wine filled my nostrils, and as my stomach rumbled, I breathed twice as deeply. There was a kink in my neck, and there was a throbbing behind my eyes, so the light enhanced the pain. I furrowed my brow, and something moved on my hand. I was certain it was another hand; I was as certain of that as that I did not recognize this room or this bed, yet I had not seen it. I did not know if I could open my eyes, but I wanted to know the identity of the stranger who cared so deeply for me.

I tested the light with one eye by opening it to a slit, and then the other, I opened them halfway but raised my hand, the one not burdened with the weight of another, to shade my eyes.

The hand on mine moved away, “Merewen,” a voice said, “you’re awake.”

I could not see the speaker, for he was a silhouette against the light of the window. He realized that my head was in pain and rushed to close the drapes. Unfortunately, my vision was still unclear, and I tried to speak, though it came out as a croak.

“Who… are you?” My voice sounded unfamiliar.

The figure rushed to my side to kneel by my bed. “It is I, Legolas. You remember me, Legolas of Mirkwood…”

I blinked and rubbed my eyes, but I did not know this elf. I shook my head, my jaw moving without sound. Finally, I muttered, “I do not know you.”

The door burst open and a woman stood holding a bow. “I came as soon as I—” She paused, seeming to lose herself in thought. “… It is gone.” She looked to the other figure for answers.

His reply was no more than a blank stare, to which she explained, “The pain, the heartache, and loss she felt, it is removed. Did you…?”

He shook his head, not taking his eyes from my face. “Do you recognize Inwe?” He asked, his voice shaking so only I could notice. I shook my head, fear growing in my heart. “Do you know yourself, Merewen?”

My body grew tense as I realized that I had no recollection of even this name he called me. I began to shift upward in the bed, toward the head of it and the pillows, away from these strangers.

“Merewen, be calm, my friend.” Inwe stepped tentatively closer. “You have been hit on the head, your mind does not remember, so use your heart. Do you trust me, friend?”

I looked into her eyes and saw fear, love and heartache. She was afraid for me, she loved me and she was terrified that this was not temporary. I forced myself to calm, knowing that if they had intended to hurt me, while I was unconscious would have been a much better time to do so. I nodded slowly, and she stepped forward.

The elf next to me caught my attention again. “Merewen, if you trust Inwe Elanesse, trust me. You are in my palace. You have been taken care of by my healer and waited upon by my personal servants. I mean you no harm.”

I nodded and felt my eyes fill with tears. I realized he was a prince or a king if this was a palace. “Your name, my Lord, I’m afraid I have forgotten.”

He smiled, and I could see his eyes begin to get glassy with moisture. “Legolas Greenleaf. And please do not call me, ‘my Lord’, or ‘sir’, or anything of the sort. Just Legolas.”

I nodded and thanked him for his hospitality. “You… must rest, Merewen. Feel safe here, you are in the presence of friends.”

I nodded and lay back on the large bed before drifting back to sleep.

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