Chapter 1

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“Inwe, where is Merewen? We have been waiting for twenty-five minutes and she still hasn't arrived for your lesson!" Elrond said impatiently.

"I have no idea! She said this morning she would be here on time!" I answered, replaying the events from this morning in my head. "Wait, I know where she is-" but I was cut off by Merewen charging into the room.

"Sorry I'm late, I was at the stables, and I lost track of time."

"You should really pay more attention to your surroundings Merewen! Your tardiness will do nothing but hurt you in the future!" Said Elrond knowingly as he moved around his desk and sat in the big red chair.

"I think you have been on time for a total of twenty lessons in the past two years!" I chimed in, which received a glare from Merewen and a chuckle from Elrond.

"Now, now girls, let’s get to your lesson!"


"Well that was fun," said Merewen sarcastically. " Now I will be late for my ride, that was supposed to be in ten minutes, and I haven't even gotten ready yet"

"Well if you were ever on time, you wouldn't be late for things, now would you? With whom are you going?"

"None of your concern, but if you must know, Elladan and Elrohir.”

“Again! Someone is going to think there’s something going on, you know.”

“I know…but not if you came with us!” Merewen pleaded, using the puppy-dog-eyes look. “Please, please, please, please…please!”

“Fine, you convinced me, yet again! And besides, it’s has been a while since I went out for a ride!” I said with a sly smile painted across my face.

“Good, let’s go get ready!” Merewen said gleefully. She grabbed my arm and dragged me across the library towards our rooms. We changed into our riding clothes, grabbed our cloaks, and left. I noticed, however, that Merewen had her dagger that she always carried safely tucked into her boot, and I ran back to my room to do the same because one never knows what dangers one might encounter outside the elfish haven. Moreover, we would have Elladan and Elrohir there to protect us.


We were, surprisingly, on time for the ride, though Elladan and Elrohir were already there, and they had the horses ready.

“Hey you two, are you ready to go?” said Elladan smiling.

“Of course we are, or we would not be here, now would we!” Merewen said whilst jumping into Ellandan’s awaiting arms, I thought it was cute. I was surprised when I felt two arms reach around and pulled me into a bear hug. I twirled around and saw Elrohir smiling down at me; I smacked him playfully and headed towards my horse Harma (Treasure).

“If you two are ready to leave, I would like to be back before a fortnight passes,” I said as I swung myself onto my horse.

“The last one out has to clean the stables!” Cried Elrohir, who was on his horse, Elen (Star), and they were slowly making their way towards me. I watched as Elladan grabbed Merewen’s cloak and pulled her to the ground, so he had a head start.

“No fair!” I heard Merewen cry, “Elladan cheated!”

“Well, I guess Merewen gets to clean the stables,” I laughed and kept riding, easily keeping the lead. I turned briefly to see Merewen had gotten onto her horse Isil (Moon), and Elladan had a good lead on her with Anar (Sun).

They were all oblivious of the watcher from the balcony of the palace. He stood there for a while watching their retreating backs until he could no longer see them. “It’s a pity that their fun will end soon, when I break the news to them.” Then he disappeared into the palace.


“Inwe, have you seen Merewen and Elladan?” asked Elrohir.

“Not since we stopped, they ran off. The Valar only knows where they are now!” I replied trying to recall the direction in which they had run off.

“I think we should look for them! I sense danger in the air!” Elrohir looked at me with worry across his fair face because he knew that when I sensed such things, they always came to pass, whether for the good or bad!

Meanwhile, Elladan and Merewen lay in the middle of a field in each other’s arms, lazily looking at the clouds floating by, trying to identify what exactly they looked like. They were, however, completely unaware of the dark figures that were creeping up on them from within the forest or the fact that Inwe and Elrohir were looking for them.

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