Chapter 1: An Unexpected Encounter

Start from the beginning

Nya always asked questions about What Starscream was and where he came from. When Starscream told her that he could turn into a jet and used to be part of a military force she became even more interested. But when he told her of what happened to him with his master Megatron, she was sad that Starscream was all alone. However, she was glad that he got away from the unhealthy place that he had with this Megatron. Sure, she knew that Starscream had made some bad choices in some cases, but everyone does.

One day Starscream began to wonder, there was pieces of scrap metal and some machinery in the barn but he was still curious. Nya was working on a new container when he asked, "Nya, how did you know how to repair me?"

"Uhh... my father. He used to work on plane for a living and he taught me all about them. By the time I was 8 I could a take apart a jet engine and put it back together but he wouldn't let me do that with the costumers' planes."

"Is he the reason that you make so many of those little plane figures?"

"You could say that." She answered while stretching her arms, "You know I think I have done enough work of one day, how bought we watch a tape."

"Tape? I'm sorry English is my second language."

"oh, sorry I meant a movie, what kinds do you like comedy, horror?"

"I never seen one of your earth movies."

"you have never a movie? Decepticons don't have movies? No wonder you left."

Starscream chuckled at Nya's little remark. He watched her as she left her chair at the little round table and walked over to a shelf. The shelf was full of little flat boxes with titles written on them.

"So, what do you think will make the best first earth movie impression?" Nya, asked while pulling out different movie cases, "Wall E, the Muppets, or... Oh, The Outsiders this is a good one."

Starscream humored Nya and chose the movie 'The Outsiders' he was actually surprised with the story that it told, it wasn't too different than the war he was fighting in. but his biggest shock came to him when turned to look at Nya, she was staring into the distance and gentle swaying, "Nya, are you alright."

Nya suddenly fell back in her chair in a daze, while slightly twitching. "Nya?" Starscream asked.

"What?" Nya answered while jumping back into reality, and her twitching halted.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay Screamer, I'm just tired." She answered while getting up from her chair. "if you don't mind, I think I'm going to turn in." she began to walking to the latter to climb to her loft.

"Alright." Starscream said while he watched her stumble on her way there.

*Bang* Starscream jump out of his sleep, he usually woke up to Nya's gentle singing, as she worked on her latest dirt project. He looked around trying to find what had woken him, his gaze came to Nya lying at the foot of the ladder, passed out. He quickly moved over to her gently nudging her with his metal fingers; secretly panicking inside. she didn't respond, Starscream gently slipped her into his cold metal hands. Her eyes were shut, and her breathing was labored. Starscream found an old sheet, laid it out on the ground and gently placed Nya on it. He just watched her, not knowing what else to do. Slowly but surely her breathing calmed and she opened her eyes.

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