Ugh. King ass walked in. I know he’s a cheater.

“Well it’s time for me to go.” I said standing up because I didn’t want to be bothered with him at all.

“Why you trying to leave?” King said.

I ignored him and grabbed my purse and my keys and tried to make my way around him but he wouldn’t move. I looked at the ground tapping my foot against the floor.

“Ya’ll gonna be straight? I don’t really want ya’ll to be arguing while I’m here…it’s kind of awkward.” Ezra said.

I wanted to laugh at E stupid ass but I didn’t.

“Get out of my way because I need to go.” I said not making eye contact with King.

“Why you all of a sudden have to leave cause I show up?”

“Did you just hear yourself?”

“Bre don’t be like this.”

“E, did you know your friend was coming over here?” I said looking at Ezra.

“Nah mane. I ain’t jumping in ya’ll shit.” He said.

“King get out of my way.” I said once again trying to go around him but failed.

“Can you just talk to me?”

“It’s nothing to talk about. I don’t have anything to say to you because you made your mind up when you went and fucked that girl.” I said getting angry.

I wasn’t trying to but he makes me so mad.

“That was a mistake.” He said sighing.

“It wasn’t a mistake. You knew what you were doing and you finally admitted to it…but I’m done.” I said looking up at him.

“What you mean you done?” he said staring me trying to grab my hands but I wasn’t letting that happen.

“I’m done King. We may have been perfect for each other back then but now you are a completely different person and I don’t want to make you stay because it’s obvious I’m not where you want to be. I don’t want to be played again because you are playing with my emotions King and that shit hurts. My feelings are hurt and I don’t want to go through that again. I’ll be better off finding someone else who can do better than what you were doing.” I said staring him directly in the eyes.

He just stared back not saying anything for a moment.

“Brea I love you and I messed up but can you just forgive me this one time? I promise I won’t mess up again.” He said.

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