Yandere Killer x Reader

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3ths POV
Killer was out killing some of your "Friends", They were not really your friends, you hated them for they were fake friends But Killer still thought that they were your friends so he killed them, He didn't want you to find out what he did so he made it seem like someone else murdered them But you already knew, How? Well lets just say a birdie told you what he did But you were not scared! You were happy But you didn't know he was doing this for you, you didn't know he was a yandere for you. And the worst part of that was that you didn't feel the same as him, you only saw him as a friend while he saw you was his future wife.

Right now you were sitting on the cough playing FNaF 1, You just finished 4/20 mode from costume night and it was very hard to do But you did it finally. You sighed then smiled and went to stand up when you saw Killer covered in blood. You didn't think much of it since he was a killer, No big suprise there. You went and hugged him for you were bored and missed him as your friend, he blushed But you didn't see and hugged back "H-Hello Doll" He Said to you, he was stuttering which you found a bit weird But you got used to it. You liked his nickname for you so you made a nickname for him "Hello Teddy!", Yep, Teddy was your nickname for him But he didn't mind. He smiled at you, he only smiled at you, No one else have seen him smile in happyness, other then Nightmare for he already knew about his obsession when Killer threatened to him If he hurt you. You didn't know that tho and Nightmare never hurt you.

You lived with them But you were not a part of their gang which Killer wanted But you just wanted to be a friend that lives with them, he finally let you just be someone that lives with them even tho you sometimes follow them to help them to Destroy AUs. You liked doing it Mostly with Killer for you were best friends.

You stopped the hug and looked at Killers eye sockets and saw he was kinda blushing black, it was normal for him to do that after you hugged, he was never used to hugs so he always got emberssassed when he got one, you giggled at him and he blushed more. "So How was your misson?" You asked "Eh, could have been better for Blueberry showed up with his brother But I won over them in the fight for How strong I am" He Said flexing How strong he was, you laughed at him flexing and he just rubbed his back skull and decided to tell you his feelings "H-Hey Y/N?" he Said your name, Which meant he wanted to say something, you stopped laughing and looked at him waiting for him to Continue talking "T-There is something I-I want to tell you...I-I love you!" He Said, you were shocked when he Said that, then some of the memorys seeing him murder your friends Which made No sense to you at first But now when he Said that you just thought of one thing *He is a yandere...Shit* You thought and looked at him, he was blushing a LOT and waiting for your answer, you could not lie for you didn't want to But If you told the truth he would flip so you just choose to tell the truth "I-I don't feel the same way....I-I am sorry Killer.." You said looking down to your feet. Killer stayed quiet but then started chuckling, louder by the secend until he was like laughing very loudly, him laughing like that made you scared and you wanted to run But you know that you Can't run forever and can't hide so you just decided to stand there and wait. He stopped and everything went silent for the first time in many MANY months. You heared your heart pound into your chest and hear your gut say run for you life But you didnt, then you heared footsteps walking closer and closer to you then feeling a cold hand on your shoulder, when you went to look up at him you got knockad out.

When you woke up you were on Killers bed, you had a chain on your ankel that was bound to the bed post, you could walk around the room But not leave the room. You got kinda scared But calmed down and sat up and still on the bed until you heared the door open. It was Killer again and he looked like he was crying, Problmay Cause you broke his heart. You felt guilty you rejected him. He saw you were awake and he saw you were staring at his cheek bones. He looked away kinda ashamed, you went off the bed and went to hug him, he was shocked that you hugged him But hugged back, You sighed and wiped the tears that was coming out of his eyes that was not on his skull, he smiled at you and just kissed you. You didnt expect it and were just about to push away But you still felt guilty for rejection him so you kissed back. He smiled more in the kiss then stopped it and hugged you tightly "I will make you love me, one way or another! I know you love me deep inside I just need to help you find it, Will you let me help you finding your true feelings for me?" He Said then asked you, you just noded willinly to let him 'Help' you find your feelings.

(There! Yandere Killer x Reader Done! Hope you enjoyed it even tho it was so short! Very sorry for How short it was I had No idea what to do with it But just went with what just came to my mind. So here it is! Requested by: The_lonley_kid Have a good night/Day. The Word totall: 1038)

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