Jasper x Shattered [The deal]

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Sorry for the late chapter, never got motigares enough to write it. Anyway Hope you Will enjoy it. I will TRY to post more frequently like once a month.
Warning. R@pe meantioned, bullying, and cringe

Authors POV
Jasper, he was a normal person, kind off. He could use monster Magic, he was half wizard so he could Use a bit of magic But not a Lot. The most he could use was a Gaster blaster the size of him, it was a very strong gaster blaster, it was as strong as Errors so it took a LOT of power. He is now walking around in the AUs, He was making sure he wasnt bumping into people I shouldnt like cross or Hell sans. He keeps walking around in the AUs. He thought to himself of Where to go next. He decided to go to dreamtale, he opened a portal and walked in. He landed behind a used to be buliding.. He started hearing people talking. It sounded like.....Nightmare and Dream? He got confused of Why there were here together. They were usally enemies and Fighting, Why are They talking now? Huh? Thats weird... They usallly fight not talk. He thought to himself, he stood by the Wall of the broken house. He saw the tree on the ground dead. He realized he was nearly next to the tree so he could see Nightmare and Dream super clear, he made himself hide better and start listening to what They are saying hoping They are Finally becoming friends again.

Atuhers POV but with Nightmare and Dream

Brother please! We could be a family again!... Please..Come back to me.... Dream said, he missed his brother so much. He was begging for him to come back to him. He didn't want this corrupted person controling his brother, he Knew his real brother was there somewhere But he couldnt reach them, the tears were hurting in his eye sockets. They were slowly running down his cheekbones as more tears follow after. He looks at Nightmare in the eye crying. Nightmare laughs at Dream, for Nightmare Dream was being pathertic. He just used Dreams negativity to make himself stronger he keeps laughing then answers, Be a family again!? Oh Please! You destroyed that chance when you didn't Save me from Those bullies. They deserved
What happend to them! I ate the apple Cause everyone hated me and all of the pressure made me eat and! And guess what?! The pressure could have been avoided If you HELPED ME!!! BUT YOU DIDNT! Instead you hang out with them ignoring what They were doing to ME!! Nightmare shouted, Dream froze. His pupils disapered. He giggled quietly. He started then laughing then started laughing loudly. He snapped. He looked at Nightmare with tears in his eyes and started talking with an insane expression which sent shivers down Jaspers spine. Oh Brother, you dont even know half of the stuff from my perspevtive. Everytime I got dragged away from you they were touching me...Every place They shouldnt..They took my virginiy Without me wanting too...They were hurting me mentally... They threanted me. AND NOW YOUR BLAMING EVERYTHING ON ME?! I HAD IT WORSE! YOU ONLY GOT BULLIED WHEN I GOT FUCKING R@PED!!... he Started sobbing, Nightmare became speechless, he had No words, passive that was deep in his soul was shocked and started crying hardly. Dream looked around and Saw a small Piece of a black apple. He smiled and picked it up If you hate me so much let be become just like you. Nightmares eye widened W-Wait! Dont!— he was too late. Dream already took it in his mouth and ate it.

Dreams POV
I started feeling pain all over my body, I felt it starting running out of my eye sockets and nose and mouth. I Fell down to my knees couching. In my mind I started trying to fight back. I started feeling the Darkness starting to cling into me and grip into my skeleton, I felt small tentecals come out of my left eye. I kept crying But this time it was Darkness. I felt four tentecals shoot out of my back. I felt someone warp their arms around me, when I looked to see Who it was I saw my brother, the one I wanted to keep safe But couldnt, I could feel him crying onto me. I know he was trying to talk But I couldnt hear what he was saying. It was all muffled. I could feel myself losing against the darkness. I sigh. I give Nightmare a kiss on the forhead before losing my self and passed out.

Authers POV
Dream was now lost. Shattered was awake. He smirks and Pushes Passive away and laughs. Passive looks at Shattered in shock. He Yelled in pain when he felt one of His new tentacels stab Passives arm. Jasper was shocked to see his happend right infront of his eyes. He was crying. He didn't want Shattered to kill passive so he ran up and took the hit for passive, he then teleported Passive away. He Fell down groaning from the pain. Shattered...Blushed?! Shattered blushed a bit. He was a sadist, he loved when he heared Passives cries of pain But Jaspers crys of pain? They were like music to his None existing ears. Like he would right that moment try not to kill passive If Jasper stayed with him. The only way he could like someones else cries in pain over Passives already must have been for Dream had a crush on Jasper and Since Shattered is apart of Dream he liked Jaspers crys of pain more. Awwww, your cries of pain are so much better then my stupid brothers cries of pain! He chuckled, Jasper growled Lowly. He stood back up and tried to attack shattered But couldnt. Shattered laughed st him in the face then warped a Tentecal around Jasper. He smirks getting an idea of a deal Soo Jasper. I know you wouldnt want me to hurt my damn brother, I dont get Why. He is such an idiot and a cry baby But I know for a fact I like your cries of pain a LOT more then Nightmare so Why dont We do this? You will become my personal toy and I will never hurt Passive again. Sounds like a deal?

Jasper stayed quiet, he looked at Shattered, he sighed and noded "Fine, I will become your personal toy as long as you dont hurt Nightmare! Okay?!" He Shouted a bit. Shattered chuckled and noded
Whatever you say toy


Word count: 11
Have a good day/Night! Also very sorry for the very late chapter!

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