"My lady, are you all right?" Del asked. She continued to pack.

    "I'm fine. It just feels like there's a dark cloud overhead." Riyo laughed at herself. "That sounds odd."

    "No it doesn't. I know what you mean. Coruscant feels gloomy now." Del glanced at her. "I think you're lonely too, so you feel it more than the rest of us."

    "I'm not lonely," Riyo objected. "I'm always with people."

    "That's not what I mean. You may always be surrounded by people, but not your friends."

    Riyo fell silent for a moment, then nodded. "You're right. Ever since Mairin left, I suppose I have been feeling more alone. I can't really contact her or Irel."

    "At least you have Senator Amidala and your commander," Del replied. "And I'm here for you."

    "Thanks." Riyo gave her a small smile. She sat down a moment later as a bout of dizziness overcame her.

    "Are you dizzy again?" Delaney raised an eyebrow.

    Riyo nodded. "I noticed it yesterday. Before that, everything was fine."

    "It's probably just from the stress. I can finish up if you want to lay down."

    "No, it's fine. I've got nothing else to do anyway." Riyo stood once again and continued to pack. Delaney watched her, her gaze full of concern, but she said nothing more.

Coruscant: 19 BBY
Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center
Commander Fox

    Fox blinked his eyes tiredly and straightened. The lift continued up several levels, before finally coming to a halt. Clay met him just outside. "All of the transfer files have gone through," he reported. "The Chancellor wants you to oversee everything."

    "What's going on again?" Fox asked.

    Clay paused. Even with his helmet on, Fox knew what expression Clay was making. "We're moving Sib Canay and Far Modem to a more secure location on Kamino, remember?"

    "Right, but why? This prison is one of the best in the entire Republic."

    "Chancellor Palpatine is afraid that the Separatists will launch an attack anyway and attempt to rescue them. He's worried the Trade Federation might pledge their support to the Seppies in exchange for the freedom of those two," Clay explained. "With everything that has happened recently, the Republic can't afford to lose support from anyone."

    Fox shook his head. "That makes no sense."

    "It's a direct order from the Chancellor. No one can object, really."

    "All right. Let's get going, then. Did you contact Riyo?"

    "I tried but she was busy. Delaney promised to tell her. Riyo is going to Mon Cala with a few other senators."

    Fox nodded and turned down a corridor. Sib Canay and Far Modem's cells had already been opened. The two Neimoidians were waiting in the hallway, surrounded by more guards. Fox jerked his head towards the nearest landing pad, where a shuttle would be waiting. The procession fell in step behind him.

    The landing pad doors hissed open, revealing the shuttle and more troopers. Fox stepped aside, letting the guards situate the Neimoidians first. As soon as the guards exited the ship, he boarded. Clay followed him up and closed the ramp.

    Fox and Clay joined the pilots in the cockpit as they took off. In just a few minutes, they had cleared the atmosphere and made the jump to hyperspace. Fox moved to the back of the ship and watched Modem and Canay.

    He still had a bit of a grudge against them for everything they'd done to Riyo. He knew they were aware of his feelings, too. He'd made them clear on a number of occasions.

    "At last we're rid of that dump," Far Modem snickered. "Perhaps this next one will be free of the stench of clones."

    "Doubtful," Sib Canay replied. "I'd take the smell of droids over artificial life forms any day."

    Fox rolled his eyes, the expression safety hidden beneath his helmet. "I am curious why you were put in charge of this transfer," Modem said. "I wasn't aware you did this type of thing." His lips twisted up in a sneer. "Then again, you weren't a bodyguard at first either."

    Fox stayed silent. Far Modem and Sib Canay exchanged glances. "Perhaps you'd prefer a different conversation?" Sib drawled.

    Far Modem covered his mouth with a hand, stifling a laugh. "Oh, yes. I could go on all day about Senator Chuchi. I'm certain you could too, Commander."

    "I might have had more success in my blockade of Pantora if I had asked for the Senator to be captured instead of the Chairman's daughters," Sib Canay added.

    "You may be right, although she's a tricky one to catch."

    Sib tapped his chin. "I have my ways."

    Fox gritted his teeth, but refused to be goaded into talking. His eyes drooped shut for a moment, before he snapped them back open. He hadn't slept much since the last time he'd been to Riyo's apartment. When he wasn't busy, his thoughts kept him awake.

    The ship jolted, suddenly. Fox stumbled, then recovered himself. With a hiss of frustration, he flipped a seat down and sat across from the prisoners. They continued to talk, throwing jabs at him. Fox crossed his arms and closed his eyes. Almost before he knew it, he'd drifted off to sleep.

    Blaster fire filled his dreams. Lightsabers flashed before him. Clones and Jedi collapsed onto the ground. Battle droids marched over the bodies. Fox spun on his heels, trying to piece together what was happening. He could barely see through the fog that clouded his vision.

    A scream caught his attention. He whipped his head around in time to see a droid grab Riyo and drag her away. She screamed again and struggled in the droid's grasp. Fox staggered towards her just as the droid raised its blaster.

    He cried out and dashed towards them. Riyo hit the ground, her golden gaze already vacant. Fox fell to his knees, his hands hovering over her body. A shadow fell across the ground before him. He glanced over his shoulder to see the Chancellor. Chancellor Palpatine opened his mouth to speak, but the words never came.

    Fox jumped awake as Clay banged a fist on the door. Sib Canay and Far Modem were still watching him, although they were quiet now. "Get up here. Something's going on," Clay said.

    Fox hurried into the cockpit and braced his hands on the pilot seats. "What is it?"

    "We had to drop out of hyperspace. There was something blocking our route," one pilot explained. He pointed out the viewport.

    A fleet of Separatist ships met his gaze. "Reroute and get us out of here, now!" He ordered.

    "We can't."


    "Buzz droids disabled the hyperdrive and the engines," the co-pilot said. "We've been expecting a boarding party, but none have come yet."

    "Do what you can up here. We need to get out of here before they decide what they're going to do," Fox said. He grabbed one of their tool kits and crouched down beside a control panel. He tugged the cover off and set to work. Clay and the pilots quickly followed suit.

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