Chapter Twelve

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Of course, important missions like this weren't easy, no. Missions of this magnitude were always a pain in my side, never going in my favor. Now I thought we had taken them all out when they had ambushed us just moments before. But no. Of course there had to be more of them waiting at the camp. Thankfully, though, they seemed to still be unaware of our current position, most of them still looking out with guns in their hands as they surveyed the area, allowing my group to hide behind a stack of crates.

"What now," Jox wondered quietly, peeking over the boxes as his other hand tightened around his pistol.

I pulled my assault rifle around and made sure the clip was full before I turned and glanced around our hiding spot, counting the Tronians I could see. Ok, there were three by the drop ship, four by a carrier ship, and one next to the cargo ship. Only eight that I could immediately see, so not too bad. However, there very well could have been more hiding in the ships, and I wasn't keen on finding that out after we started firing. Though...I was surprised upon seeing no fighter ship in the vicinity. I mean, surely they would have one nearby in case any Glaicics decided to retaliate, right? So where the hell was the fighter ship?

I returned to the world of the living when I began hearing gunshots, my heart racing as I turned to my team, their guns held in their hands as they fired at the enemy.

Well...I guess they figured out what they were doing, even though this was completely freaking reckless of them to go guns blazing without properly assessing how many of them they were. But oh well. Guess that was exactly what we were doing.

I pursed my lips and whipped out of cover, firing towards a black Tronian. But of course, leave it to my luck for him to duck back to cover in that instance, causing my bullets to slam against the side of the ship he was hiding behind. Of course he would do that as soon as I shot at him.

I cursed under my breath, when that happened, and ducked back into cover, my eyes narrowed as I tried to think of a way to get over to where that jerk was hiding. I could just try to dodge bullets and run straights towards him...but I wasn't bulletproof, and I was more than sure that I would end up getting hit, whether it be from friend or foe. Maybe I could slink back into the forest and go around to his position. There was, of course, some risk to that as I would be out in the open for that time, but luckily the cover of trees wasn't that far, so that was definitely a better choice than trying to run straight across the battlefield.

So, with a sharp intake of air, I pulled myself to my feet and darted towards the forest, a rain of bullets barely missing me as I sprinted into the cover of trees.

Once I had some cover, I leaned against one of the trees to catch my breath, my hand rubbing the area above my heart as it raced violently in my chest. Was it just me, or was it suddenly getting harder to breath in this frigid temperature?

After I was able to calm myself, I began stalking through the trees, hoping that none of the enemy spotted me, else that would be a very unfortunate situation. But at least I had the element of surprise going for me, since everyone else seemed to be preoccupied with the others. Well, save for the Tronian I shot at. As soon as I caught sight of him, he appeared to be peeking around the corner, right where I had been situated.

Ha, too bad for you, jerk, I'm right here, I mused in my head as I lifted my gun, peering down the sight as I aimed towards him.

But then...the weirdest freaking thing happen, and I don't think I would ever be able to explain it...but for a moment, I swore I heard Asurah's voice in my ear, telling me; "Don't kill him, knock him out or something, you may need him."

Hell, it sounded so real that I even whipped around to see if he was actually there, my heart dropping when nothing but trees and snow greeted me. My heart was pounding in my chest, and if it were possible in this cold weather, I probably would be sweating right now. What the hell had that been? Why was I hearing his voice? Was...that the voice of my subconscious?

I snorted to myself. I wouldn't be surprised if his voice was what my subconscious used to yell at me, after all, Asurah was the one who had the sole purpose of keeping my little mischievous self in check.

So...ah...thanks, voice in my head, for giving me a not so sucky idea. Even though that was honestly kind of creepy.

With my new plan falling together, I rushed forward and slammed the butt of my gun against the back of the Tronian's head, causing him to gasp before he was falling to the ground below. With him now unconscious, I slung my gun over my shoulder and began to search for anything that could assist me in tying this guy up. My eyes scanned the area around me, and I really wanted to sigh in irritation when I didn't see anything helpful in tying up a dude, even after checking inside some of the crates.

Like come on...not even a rope? A cord? Anything?

The gunfire died down as I continued my search, my eyes widening when Delkele rushed over to my prisoner and held a sword to his throat, ready to finish the guy off.

"Delkele, don't."

Delkele froze in his actions and glanced at me, a confused frown on his face as he glanced wearily down at the unconscious Tronian. "Why? He is the enemy. He shot at us."

I nodded my head and walked over to him as Teiken and Jox appeared behind him. "True, but I think we can use him to help us get to the castle." I pursed my lips and waved my hand in the air. "Now help me find something to tie him up with. You would think there would be something that could help."

Luckily, it didn't take us too long to find some rope in one of the ships, and thank goodness the Tronian didn't gain consciousness in that time. I guess I hit him real good. And once he was sufficiently bound, Teiken began looking towards the ships, no doubt trying to figure out which one to steal.

"I'm surprised there are no fighter ships. Surely that would be something they would have here, right?" Teiken wondered out loud as that bright orange gaze darted towards us.

My brows raised as I crossed my arms over my chest, wishing for us to hurry this thing up so that we could get out of this blizzard before I froze to death. "I was actually thinking the same thing, I mean, why wouldn't they have one to defend themselves against any Glacics seeking revenge? It just doesn't make any sense to me."

Teiken sighed and looked away. "Makes me wonder what is really going on here." He turned back towards us and pointed to the carrier ship. "This one will have to do. I would have preferred a ship with a central gun system, however, we don't really have a choice right now." He nodded towards our prisoner. "Get him loaded up onto the ship. The sooner we can leave, the better."

Jox nodded and shot a worried glance in my direction. "That definitely would be a plan, considering Joseph seems to be turning blue."

I was? I glanced down at my hands, frowning when I realized the tips of my fingers were turning a dark blue color. "Ah...yeah, can we hurry this up please?"

Teiken nodded and walked towards the carrier ship before he stepped into the hangar, Delkele following behind with the Tronian thrown over his shoulder. Jox nodded towards me, and stayed behind me as I followed suit, readying myself for what was to come. I just hope that this was a good idea.

A/N: And there ye go! Yet another chapter is up!

I don't really have too much to say, other than I hope you enjoyed the chapter and if you have any questions for any of the characters, don't be too shy to ask them down in the comments below!

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