Chapter Nine

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(Asurah's POV)

"Come on, Asurah. You're going to have to speak to me eventually. I apologize for how things had to go down, but you must understand, I was merely defending myself."

I barely paid Vextian any mind as I sat there staring off into space. The drug Vextian had injected in me had worn off long ago...though, I still felt limp, and helpless. Lifeless, even. Vextian killed Joseph. He killed him and I couldn't even do anything to save him. No. I had been completely and utterly useless, and it was like the whole incident was on repeat inside of my head.

Vextian's sword gliding into Joseph's chest as if it were a knife cutting through snow. The terrified look in those gorgeous chocolate colored eyes as Joseph fell to the ground.

That moment kept repeating over, and over in my head and I just...I just shut down altogether, all fight in me long gone as Vextian took me to his home planet, Tronian. My home was gone, and Joseph? Joseph was dead. What other choice did I have? Fight? Sure, and then what? Go home to rubble and the limp body of my dead husband?

I was pretty sure I was in shock, or something akin to it at this point. My body was practically numb and I truly felt like my mind had been shattered into a million different pieces, with the only one that could put it all together...long gone.

I barely noticed Vextian put the ship on autopilot, let alone when he swiveled in his chair to face me. I was pretty sure there was a frown on his face, but like I said, I wasn't really paying attention, nor did I actually care to.

"It will get easier over time," Vextian spoke, his voice soft as he leaned forward in his seat, his tail flickering below him. "Soon you will forget that he ever existed, and in time, you will have feelings for me." Goosebumps rose on my flesh when he placed a maroon hand on my thigh, and had I any strength, I would have knocked that hand right off of me.

I could try to muster up my strength...but there was no point anymore. Everything I held dear to me was gone, so why should I even bother trying?

Vextian sighed and pulled his hand back, those black eyes on me. "You'll come to terms eventually." I actually did jolt a little when he placed his hand on my cheek, his thumb rubbing just under my eye. "I really am sorry, Asurah. I wish this could have gone differently, and I did try to make it go another route, but your human made things difficult for me." A tear slipped my cheek and, of course, Vextian wiped it away, his lips pulling in a line. "Don't cry Asurah, everything will be alright in the end."

He took his hand away and stood up, crossing his arms over his chest as he sighed, his wings twitching at the movement. "We are almost home. Once we get there, I will show you to your room, and if you are hungry, I can have some of the servants bring you something to eat."

"I'm not hungry," I muttered, turning my head to the side so I could avoid looking at him.

I heard him shift. "Alright fine. I do understand that it is late at night on Glacida, so if you want to catch up on the sleep you missed, then you can also do that."

I glanced at him with a glare, hating the way tears began to slip down my cheeks. "I prefer to go home, Vextian. Back to my people."

Vextian frowned and furrowed his dark brows as if he didn't fully comprehend what I was trying to say. "I apologize, but for now, that is something that cannot happen. Not for a while, at least." He moved away from me and sat back onto his seat, flicking the autopilot off before he spoke again, not even sparing me a glance this time. "We're here."

I frowned even deeper and looked out of the front window, the large planet of Tronian getting closer, and closer, and after a few seconds we were entering its atmosphere, my chest growing tight as I gulped, not ready for what was to come.

Five minutes later, we were settled in Vextian's castle, the man smiling as he powered down the ship and stood up, facing me with his hand extended. "Come, dear Asurah. Allow me to show you where you will be staying."

I only stared at his hand, not moving as I just sat there stubbornly. After a moment, Vextian rolled his eyes and dropped his hand, placing his hand on his hip instead. "Look, I would rather not drug you again, so please cooperate with me here."

Not wanting to feel like some helpless doll again, I bit the inside of my cheek and stood up, crossing my arms over my chest while keeping my gaze off to the side. And while I didn't see it, I was pretty sure the jerk had a smug smile on his lips, making me hate him all the more.

And he wanted me to fall for him? I'd sooner choke on my own blood than to develop anything other than hate for the bastard Tronian. He was seriously delusional if he thought, even for a second, I would ever fall for him.

Even when he led me through his abode and showed me to my prison cell...oops I mean room, I refused to even acknowledge him. Of course though, that didn't really stop him from trying to converse with me anyway, and I hated how calm and casual he sounded, as if he didn't destroy my home and murder the only mad I had ever held dear to me.

"Now, stay in here and rest up, my dear. We have quite the journey ahead of us in the coming days," Vextian spoke as I walked into the room he "gave me", my eyes scanning over the large pod and simplistic furniture that was in here. "I know you said you are not hungry, but I'll send for food to be brought to you while I conduct some business. And Asurah," he gestured around the room, "do know that you are not a prisoner in my home. You may roam around wherever you wish, though, I do warn you, the ship hangar and my bedroom are off limits." He then dropped his hand and walked over to the door, briefly glancing back at me. "I will return to see how you are faring. And Asurah? Please behave."

And with that, he left the room, allowing me to sit on the pod and hide my face in my hands, my eyes burning as tears began forming in my eyes. I couldn't believe this was happening. My home was gone, and Joseph...I began crying harder, wrapping my arms around myself as I wept for my husband. I never knew there was something that could hurt so much. It felt like a large piece of me was missing, and I honestly had no idea what the hell to do now. There was nothing left for me, and knowing that was agonizing.

I remember a time, actually, when Joseph tol me about the deity the humand prayed to, and after a while of crying my eyes out...I don't know, I-I started to pray. I-I knew Joseph told me he didn't believe in his god...but I had to hope that his soul was at least in a good place...and I don't know, I wanted to reach him somehow. So...I could only hope, by some miracle, he was able to hear what I had to say. No...wanted to say.

Hi there...god of the humans. I-I know this must be unusual, hearing from a species not of your own creation...however...t-there is a favor I must ask of you. A few more tears slipped down my cheeks as I pulled myself tighter into a ball. If my Joseph is w-with you...c-can you please t-tell him that I love him? A-And that I miss him? I began crying even harder, my body shaking as Joseph's gorgeous face flashed into my mind. Tell him that I will never love anyone as much as I loved him. If you could tell him all this...I thank you.

I wasn't sure how long I laid there, curled up in a ball. I had received food about an hour ago, but as I had insisted to Vextian, I had no appetite. And besides, the tray was full of meat and Glacics didn't usually eat meat. It hurt our teeth too much.

So I just let it sit there, my eyes swollen and my cheeks reddened from crying so much. I stared ahead, feeling numb as I focused on pretty much nothing, with my arms wrapped around myself as the Tronian sun fell below the horizon, allowing its two moons to shine for a bit.

And after a while, my lids started to feel heavy, probably because of how much I cried, and eventually, I allowed my gaze to slide shut. Even so, I took me while before I was finally able to sleep, and honestly...I felt so alone without the heat of Joseph behind me.

Sleep did eventually find me though, and all I could dream about was Joseph's smiling face and teasing chocolate colored eyes.

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