Chapter 44

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That night, the Cartel family had their dinner in one of the best French restaurants that Francis chose. While eating the delicious foods in front of them, they are happily talking with each other. Tim proudly shared his eldest son's achievements in their company to Carmie and Rhianne. Because of Tim's praises, Francis felt a little shy. Rhianne congratulated her brother for doing his best in the company.

"It was a group effort. If my colleagues did not help me, I am sure that I cannot finish that project on time." Francis said. He cannot just receive all the praises from them since he did that project with his colleagues.

"But you still did your best! You are so amazing, brother!" Rhianne praised Francis again. She is very proud of him and it is visible on her face. "I am sure a lot of girls have a crush on you in the company."

"What are you trying to imply now?" Francis asked with a raised brow.

"Brother, when are you going to bring my future sister-in-law to our house?"

"What sister-in-law are you talking about?" Francis asked while poking her forehead. "I should be the one asking you about that. What is your current status with that brat?"



"Stop it!"

"I did not mention a name yet. And I am just asking." Francis said before he took a small sip of his wine.

"Rhianne, is it really true that the youngest Lancester is courting you?" Tim casually asked his daughter.

"Well, that..."

"See? You cannot even give us a proper answer. I knew it! Maybe I should punch that brat so he will leave you alone."

"Do it and I will not talk to you for the next three months, brother." Rhianne threatened.

"What the... Are you seriously choosing that brat over me?"

"Because you are planning something bad to Keith."

"You two, stop it." Carmie stopped her children from bickering. "Francis, stop threatening that child. You are older than them so you should act like one. You too, Rhianne. Stop bickering with your brother."

"But he started it." Rhianne muttered in a low voice.

"Rhianne, I asked you a question. Is Keith courting you?" Tim asked.

"Uhmm... That's... Well... Not really?" Rhianne answered while playing with the broccoli on her plate. "But he is waiting for my answer whether I like him too or not."

"So do you like him or not?"

"Dad!" Rihanna whined.

"I am just asking you, Rhianne." Tim reminded her. "You do not have to react like that every time we ask you about it."

"But still..."


"That... Of course, I like him. But I am not sure if I like him romantically or not." Rhianne answered while her voice is slowly turning into a whisper.

Rhianne does not feel awkward and she can be honest with her family because she trusts them the most. She knew that they will never make a decision that can hurt her in any way. Since they were already aware of her situation, Rhianne chose to be honest with them and asked the question that is bugging her for a long time.

"Keith told me that he can wait for my answer."

"Wait, what? When did it happen?" Francis asked in surprise.

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