Chapter 30

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After buying her a can of strawberry milkshake, Keith together with Rhianne returns to their classroom. Rhianne feels weird since she can feel the eyes of their classmates on them. She looks at their classmates and then at Keith. In the end, Rhianne concluded that they are only looking at Keith since he made a huge transformation.

What Rhianne did not know was their classmates are really looking at both of them. It was true that some of them are still feeling strange looking at Keith's eyes, but most of them are thinking of something more interesting. Seeing Rhianne and Keith talking and walking side by side again, the whole class is having the same thought— They finally reconciled.

At the same time, their homeroom adviser returns with their test papers. Rhianne's heart is beating fast. She did not answer the remaining questions earlier. Her score must be lower than the passing grade.

'I hope dad will have overtime work today. I am not yet ready to face him tonight.'

While she is currently thinking of what to say to her dad later, Rhianne saw Keith sitting on his seat with a relaxed expression. Of course, Mr. Protagonist will be like this since he was confident to pass the math exam today. He is a math genius, after all. Soon, their teacher calls their name one by one to return their test papers.

When their teacher calls Keith's name, he stands up and gets his test paper. When it was her turn, Rhianne nervously stands up and get her test paper from her teacher's hands. She did not dare to look at her failing score without returning back to her seat.

"Mr. Protagonist, you clearly got a perfect score." Rhianne suddenly stated.

"Yes. How did you know?" wondered Keith. "I did not even show you my test paper yet.

"There is no need for that."

It is obvious that today's math exam is just an easy task for him.

"Well, how about you? You passed the test, right?"

She did not know yet. Letting out a sigh, Rhianne flips her test paper to see the score of her exam. See? She definitely failed her exam—


Instead of a failing grade, Rhianne saw the opposite on her test paper. She got forty-nine scores over sixty items. Rhianne checks the test paper if it was really hers, but she clearly saw her name written on it. Not only that, her unanswered math questions earlier miraculously had an answer and it was all correct!

"Not bad. You passed your exam. Congratulations."

"Give me your test paper." demanded Rhianne.


Rhianne grabs the test paper in Keith's hands and checks the contents of it one by one. She compares the handwriting on both test papers. Then all of a sudden, Rhianne slaps Keith's arm.

"You! Why did you do it?!" Rhianne furiously asked before slapping his arms again. "Are you out of your mind?!"

"Wait! Listen to me first, okay?" Keith said as he rubs the reddened arm with his hand. "Did you secretly learn martial arts? Your slap hurts."

Rhianne's raised hand paused in mid-air. In the end, she dropped it. But she still has a grim expression on her face.

"Well, I only answered some of the questions on your test paper. You said that your father will be mad if you failed your exam. So I decided to help you." Keith explained.

"But that was not enough reason for you to help me! It's cheating!"

Rhianne suddenly got a headache. She passed her exam today because Keith secretly answered the test questions for her. So that was the rustling sound of papers she heard earlier! Mr. Protagonist really dared to do it!

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