Chapter 67

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"Did you know? I heard we have a new student this year? And it's a girl!"

"Really? In the middle of our semester?"

"Yeah. I heard from my trusted source that she is a friend of our school dean that is why they allow her to transfer and study in our school."

"Talking about connection, huh? So what course is going to take?"

"Same with us. She is also taking Mass Communication."

"Oh, I see. Hmm? Rhianne, are you still with us? You look so dazed just now."

"Huh? Ah... I am just a bit sleepy since I finished our individual project last night."

"Ugh! That one! I don't think our professor will like mine."

Rhianne pretends that she is listening to her classmates although she barely heard what they are talking about just now. Instead of listening to her friends in class, she still cannot focus because the image of Keith while blushing earlier keeps on popping inside her head. After that, her heart beats so fast that Rhianne will definitely suspect it as a heart problem if she is still oblivious of Keith's feelings for her.

That is not the first time Rhianne saw him blushing. She always see him flustered when they were still young. His face is also turning red every time Dr. Calvin tries to make Keith a victim of his prank or he decided to anger him out of nowhere. But earlier, Rhianne is now struggling whether to call him adorable or hot.

"Whether our professor gives me a good score on my project or not, I still know to myself that I did my best to finish it. Just forget it. Anyway..."

Rhianne's classmate suddenly moves a chair near her with a smile on her face.

"Rhianne, I heard that you and your handsome boyfriend are being publicly sweet in front of the students. Is that true?"

"...Keith is not my boyfriend." Rhianne said.

"Yeah, yeah. We already know that you are going to say that. But you did not deny the second part. So that means it's true!"

"Just imagine! Having Keith Lancester as your boyfriend is such a huge blessing to anyone! He is hot, rich, smart, sweet, and most of all, so handsome! Ahh! I will die happy if I can find a man like him who will become my boyfriend."

"Then you will definitely live a long life. Rhianne is the blessed one among us because she already has Keith with her."

None of them did not know that Rhianne is really close to Keith Lancester who is also the most popular guy in their school. A lot of girls are harboring secret feelings towards Keith. But unfortunately for them, the person they are pining for is only interested in Rhianne. Keith is either polite or distant with the other girls on their campus. They can only see him smiling or relaxed whenever Rhianne is near him.

Although Rhianne always tries to correct them about their relationship, no one still believes her. They are just thinking that Rhianne does not want to hurt the feelings of those people who have a crush on Keith by admitting their relationship in public. And the way they interact with each other is not something that two people who are just friends will do.

They are not blind. These people can see the chemistry between the two and they are really suited for each other. Rhianne's friends really love to say that the two of them have telepathic abilities because they think alike most of the time. They already have a deep understanding of each other's thinking and preference that no words are needed between them. If that is not proof that they are a match for each other, then they do not want to believe in love anymore.

Many people are jealous of them. Maybe that is natural because they are just humans. Some girls are jealous of Rhianne because she has everything they want in life. She has a pretty face that can be compared to a doll, a rich background, a loving family, and a handsome suitor who is obviously dedicated to no one aside from her. The boys on the other hand are envious of Keith because he can always be with their campus fairy all the time.

They can be jealous of them, but that's it. They are not that bad to do something to them just because of their jealousy. It will be unfair to blame them for something that they cannot control just like their family backgrounds and genes. At the end of the day, these people will think that some are just born lucky while others are born to face different challenges in this world all the time.

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