Chapter 42

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The ambulance arrived at the hospital after fifteen minutes. The nurses and doctor quickly checked the condition of the woman laying on the stretcher. As for Rhianne, she was following them but also keep her distance so she will not become a hindrance to their work. A young nurse told her to sit in the waiting area first and they will call her again later once they finish checking the woman's condition.

Rhianne followed the nurse's instructions and sat on a vacant chair. After letting out a sigh, she picked up her phone and texted Keith the hospital's location. It took her a few minutes to type the words she wanted to say since the screen of her phone was broken. Rhianne cannot help but let out a regretful sigh in her heart thinking that she needed to replace the phone she just bought two months ago.

Keith did not reply but Rhianne noticed that he already saw her message. After a few minutes of waiting, she saw a figure of a young man running towards her. It is her Mr. Protagonist, Keith.

"Rhianne, are you okay?!" Keith asked while his eyes checked her body trying to see if she received any sort of injury.

"I am fine." Rhianne answered before getting the handkerchief inside her pouch. "Here. Wipe your sweat first."

When he is sure that Rhianne is okay, Keith let out a sigh of relief before accepting the handkerchief. He sits beside Rhianne and gently wipes the sweat on his forehead. Keith quickly arrived in this hospital as soon as he received her message.

"Rhianne, can you tell me what happened?" Keith asked. "Who is that woman you were talking about earlier? Did an accident happened at the mall?"

"There was no accident. And I do not know that woman. She just lost consciousness in front of me and I happened to be near her so I caught her before she fell on the floor."

Rhianne described what happened earlier in the mall to Keith. According to Rhianne, the woman she saved must be similar to her mother's age. She was quite tall for a woman that's why Rhianne got a hard time catching her falling body earlier. But she also noticed that although that woman is tall, she is also very light.

After she retold what happened earlier, the young nurse who approached Rhianne earlier came back at the right time.

"Excuse me, miss. But are you a relative of the patient inside?" The nurse politely asked.

"No. I just helped her by calling an ambulance since she lost consciousness. I also noticed that she got a high fever." Rhianne explained.

"Oh, I see."

"Nurse, what happened to that woman? Is she in a critical condition?"

"Oh no. She is now fine. The patient lost consciousness due to fatigue and dehydration. We also gave her a shot since she got a high fever. She only needs a few days of rest and drinks a lot of water to feel better again."

"Thank goodness."

"By the way, miss. Do you have her phone to call any of her relatives?"

"Well... Let me see."

It was fortunate that the woman's purse was strapped on her wrist earlier. Rhianne kept that purse when the medical staff attended to that woman and she just remembered about it now when the nurse asked for the patient's phone. Carefully opening the purse, Rhianne saw a wallet, several bills and papers, and an old model phone inside the purse.

They were lucky that the phone does not have any passwords. Rhianne quickly looked at the phonebook and searched for her relative's phone number. On the woman's phonebook, there is a phone number named 'My dearest' so Rhianne did not hesitate anymore and called that number. After several rings, the person answered the phone.

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