Day Fourteen: Milk

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        "What are we doing here?" I looked around the cavern room, which was lined with cots and tables. The walls were barren, and about every other cot was occupied. Water and Aether Majiks, each clothed in their corresponding color, roamed between the endless rows. Queen Eurasia had told me we were going to the sickhouse in the Mountain Village, and I had been too intrigued to ask why. Disease was not common among Majiks, and fascination consumed my senses.

        "I am here to perform blessings on the victims," Eurasia responded in quiet tones, her blonde hair hanging past her waist in an elegant braid. "You, Maya, are here to observe. When I pass my title on to you, this will be your duty."

        At those words, I scowled, a strand of aubrun hair falling into my eyes. I made no effort to move it. "I don't see the point," I muttered bitterly. "It won't mean anything if I never access my abilities."

        Eurasia sighed, not bothering to look at me. "Hush, Maya. The fact remains that you are a Supreme; you will be the next queen whether you access your powers or not. Patience, please. It might take time."

        I couldn't be bothered to respond. Eurasia constantly consolled me with those sort of words, but personally, I never felt they amounted to much. As far as I knew, I was the only Majik who wasn't Reaped with their powers. Eurasia had no background knowledge on this, no matter what she said.

        The queen began stopping at each bedside, laying her hand on the milky white forehead of each sufferer and speaking to them privately. I, however, kept my distance. I felt out of place and unneeded. And most prominently, I was angry that Eurasia had made me angry at her. Had she no decency?

        "Excuse me?" a voice piped up. "Excuse me; are you all right?"

        I forced myslf into composure, turning to face a young woman with pearl white hair and crystalline blue eyes. Her lips blended perfectly with her skin, which had the milky hue shared by all the patients. It doned on me that she likey was a patient; but why, then, was she out of bed?

        "I'm fine," I answered, careful to give a big smile in order to convince her. She just smirked, raising a white eyebrow swiftly.

        "Are you, now?" she said casually.

        My lips tightened into a thin line. "Yes, I am. Now if you don't mind--" I turned to follow my mentor, but the girl swept in front of me effortlessly. My temper continued its neverending rise. "Excuse me, but you're in my way," I told her pointedly.

        A mildly surprised look crossed her face, as though she didn't know. "Am I?" she asked passively, making me want to break her nose. "Oh, my apologies!" She stepped aside.

        "Thank you," I muttered, and made to pass her. That's when she decided to speak up once more.

        "Are you the brat of some snooty Councillor?"

        I swerved on my heel to glare at the girl, flexing my fingers tensely. Most would be angry that they had been called a snooty brat, but I hated her suggestion that I was related to one of the Councillors. I didn't even get along with those bastards! (Well, except for the Light Councillor, Kaena. But Kaena was a special case. Like me) "What did you call me?" I hissed.

        She just shrugged as though it didn't matter. "Well, you came in with the queen, so it only made sense." She cocked her head to the side slightly. "What's your Alignment? From your attitude, I'd guess either Fire or Electricity. Maybe a violent Air Majik." She raised her eyebrows. "Well? What's your Alignment?"

        This question only served to irk me further. I was not a Fire or Electricity Majik. I was not an Air Majik, either. In fact, I wasn't an Earth, Aether, Light, Water, or even Ice Majik. In fact, I was a Supreme. Well, I was supposed to be, anyway, but for whatever reason, I could not get in touch with the powers I was supposed to have. It was my status as Supreme that secured that I'd be queen in a few decades, on the 120th anniversary of my Reaping. And yet I couldn't do anything I was supposed to be able to do.

        I turned to get away from the awkward question. walking away fast.

        The girl called after me, and I could hear the confusion in her voice. "Wait! I'm just curious!"

        I shook my head to myself. She hadn't meant to offend me. It wasn't right I should walk away from her. Besides, she looked about my age. Maybe we had some things in common. (In truth, I doubted that, but I think my concious was trying to give me an excuse to go back. That's right; my concious is a lying, manipulative little bitch. Have a problem with that?)

        "Sorry," I muttered, not meeting her gaze. "It's just a difficult question to answer, that's all."

        "I should think the answer is pretty straightforward, actually."

        I shifted uncomfortably. "It's just that--"

        "It's just that what, Maya?"

        The girl gasped and fell into a clumsy curtsy, but I didn't even turn to acknowledge my mentor's prescence. I bit my lip and looked away as she laid her hand on my shoulder tenderly.

        "Come, Maya. Your Alignment is nothing to be ashamed of."

        I scowled at my feet.

        "Maya, answer the nice girl."

        Seeing I wasn't going to get out of it, I gave a sigh of frustration and looked up at the girl. "I'm a Supreme who has no powers," I answered quickly. I looked at Eurasia over my shoulder. "Happy?"

        The girl was in awe. "You're a Supreme? But... Then why don't you have powers?"

        I couldn't take it anymore. With a glare at Eurasia, I fled the chamber.

        She just didn't get it, did she?

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