Day Sixteen: Feather

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Let's think about the word "feather" for a moment. What do you think of? Birds? Bird-kids, perhaps? That's right; it's Maximum Ride time!!! :D


        "AUGH! Fang, I will KILL you as soon as I can get out of this bed!"

        Fang winced noticeably, covering his face from outside the treehouse. The screams and insults had been going on for almost an hour now, and they weren't getting any easier to listen to. Dr. Martinez had assured him that Max didn't know what she was saying, that she was just in pain, but Fang knew better. Max knew what she was talking about, and she meant every damn word.

        "Still?" Ella asked him, raising an eyebrow. Fang just shrugged as Iggy landed on the branch beside him, somehow managing to balance flawlessly, resting a tender hand on Ella's shoulder. The strawberry-blonde bird-kid scoffed audibly.

        "No, she's just screaming for fun," he said sarcastically. Ella gave him a death glare that he couldn't see.

        "You never know with Max," she pointed out, and Iggy grinned, laying sprawled on the thick branch.

        "Touche, my dear."

        Fang smiled slightly, but the small joy faltered as another screech rang out. "Goddamnit, Fang, why the hell did you have to go and do this to me? I will kill you, I swear it!"

        To his great annoyance, Iggy laughed out loud, hanging upside down from his branch, wings spread out in all their grandeur. "I hope when Ella and I finally make our decision that she doesn't scream at me like this," he chortled, face red with gathered blood. He swung back onto the branch gracefully, wrapping a feathered wing around the girl. "I might just fly away and never come back again."

        Rolling her eyes, she pushed him away. "I'm rolling my eyes, Ig," she told him, voice dripping in exasperation. "And you will not leave me if that happens, because I will personally hunt you down and violate you."

        Iggy grinned. "Oh, you will, will you? All the more reason to do it, then!"

        Fang looked to him in disgust. "You have some serious issues, man."

        Iggy assumed an innocent look. "How so?"

        "Did you not just hear what you just said?"

        Iggy laughed, but another course of screams interrupted his response.

        "Angel, get the hell out of my goddamn head!" Max screeched, and a very dejected-looking Angel appeared in the doorway. "It hurts enough already! You're not doing anything but signing your own death certificate!"

        "Okay," the blonde-haired little girl soothed quietly, stepping out of the tree house, eyes flitting to the onlookers on the branch. She had grown into quite the beaytiful young woman, Fang noticed suddenly. Not only had she taken interest in medicine, but she had become far less sadistic in the past few years. Looking weary, she fluttered up to the roof a few feet above their branch, perching there like a wounded cherub.

        "Nothing?" Fang asked, worry creasing his face. Angel just shook her head, slumping against the tree trunk, wincing as Max's voice seemed to pierce the sound barrier.

        "FANG! AUGH! Get in here so I can kill you for doing this to me, you goddamned bastard! I hate you! I'm going to kill you for doing this to me!"

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