Day Three: Teeth

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        A cloaked figure hurried down the dilapidated streets, the pitter-patter of the rain masking the thumping footsteps thundering against the stone pavement. The narrow streets were not anythting unusual, and yet the runner felt no peace. Where he was going, there was no telling what might happen.

        Finally, the hooded man skidded to a halt, peering tentatively down an abandoned alleyway that smelled of mold and mildew. Wrinkling his nose, he pulled his cloak tighter around him and stepped forth to brave the unknown. He had a job to do, and a sick sister. She was more important than anything, even his own life. That was why he had risked so much to find this place. To find Her.

        There were rumors that deep into the slums of the capital, there was a seemingly abandoned block of houses. Up the street and down the alleyway, you would find if only through luck and perserverance. And in the most luxurious of the houses on this block lived a mysterious maiden who would offer up her dark magic for a sum. But she didn't accept money, this maiden. No. What she wanted was teeth.        No one knew why the woman craved something that was so simplistic and yet so very morbid, but no one dared say no to her price. The figure clutched at the satchel bouncing against his leg. He just hoped that he brought enough to pay her off. Because if not, Etta's life was forfeit. This maiden of legend was her only hope.

        He cursed himself for not coming during the day, but quickly felt foolish for such a mindset. No one had ever found the woman's mysterious residence in the sun's bright light; indeed, it was supposed that  the place, by some crooked sorcery, was not accessable in the daytime hours. But he himself wasn't sure what to believe. It was a stretch to come at all.

       When he turned the next corner, the young man's breath caught in his throat, and he stopped in his tracks. Before him stood a magnificent manor, gray and in ruin. All the surrounding house were in much the same state, and yet none could match the grandeur of the mansion set out before him.

        He knew in that moment that this was the place he was looking for.

        Swallowing a lump in his throat, the young man made his way over to the porch, grabbing the silver doorknocker nervoucly. But no. He had to swallow his nerves, or he'd become the woman's prey. He had to stay calm, no matter what happened. No matter--

        The door creaked open noisely in front of him, despite his lack of a knock. Shivering with more than just the cold, he took a deep breath and stepped inside.

        A dark an shadowy entrance hall met his gaze. Before him, an elegant staircase stretched upwards, branching off in two direction after about a dozen stairs. Yet despite the outer appearance of the edifice, the interior was unusually tidy and well-kept. Still, however, it seemed abandoned, for no sound of human life had met his ears.

        "Remove your covering, imbecile! State your business here!" a feminine voice boomed.

        Struggling to discern the location of the voice's owner, the young man lowered his hood shakily, forcing himself to keep his voice as even as possible. "I am Jacob Polluck," he said, voice quavering despite his best efforts. "I am here because my sister, well... She's sick and I was wondering...." He swallowed, holding up his satchel, words bursting from his lips unbidden. "I'm prepared to pay."

        At first, there was no answer. Long minutes passed, and Jacob wondered if he had been rejected. Finally, the awaited response rose. "Enter through the central door."

        It was then that Jacob realized, in the wall between where the staircase branched out, there was a well-disguised door. This door swung open, and a light from within beckoned to him. Exhaling shakily, Jacob mounted the stairs and entered.

        As soon as Jacob had entered the room, the door slammed with a sense of finality behind him. The sudden sound caused him to jump, but he quickly realized that there was nothing more to do than to keep moving forward and purchase his sister's health. Forcing himself t stay calm, he followed the light.

        At the end of the room, a single bracket was connected to the wall, and in it sat a torch that was flickering yellow and gold. Jacob looked to the flames, watching their dancing until he fell into a trance-like state. The simple beauty of it blew him away.

        "Well, Jacob? What do you have to offer me for my services?"

        Jacob looked up suddenly, eyes widening as he registered what appeared to be a throne in the far corner of the room. And it looked as though it was made of.... Jacob swallowed the urge to vomit as he took in the sight of the young lady perched regally upon the foul throne.

        Her hair was a pearly, luminescent white, the ends made black like a charred straw. Her eyes were golden, and she was small-statured and slender; there was an elegance about her that Jacob could not deny. She looked so young, and yet wisdom shown in her eyes, even behind her cold gaze and pursed pink lips. Jacob swallowed and addressed her.

        "Y-yes..." he stuttered, removing his satchel from over his shoulder shakily. He extended it toward her. "I-I hope this is enough to cover the costs..." He drifted off as she wrenched the bag away from him roughly, opening the flaw as she stared him down with accusation in her eyes, She reached into the bag and extracted a handful of animal teeth, slowly opening her fingers to let them fall back into the bag with a little clickety-clack sound. She looked up at him and grinned, revealing unnaturally sharp teeth.

        "It is not enough." She flung the satchel into a corner.

        Jacob felt his heart speed up. He moved toward the woman in earnest. "Please," he pleaded with her, feeling as though he was wasting his time by blubbering in such a manner. "Please, name your cost. I'll give you anything. I'll do anything. Just heal my sister, please!"

        The woman eyed him fiercely, looking him up and down in a manner that made him feel as though he had been violated. Finally, she met his eyes and grinned.

        "Okay," she said smoothly. "Then my price is you. I want you to serve me in my home world. You are a handsome specimen; I should like to have you at my disposal." She leaned toward him and raised an eyebrow elegantly. "Well, Jacob? What do you say? Will you give me yourself for your sister? My contracts are not temporary."

        At a loss for words, Jacob looked around as though he expected someone to separate themself from the shadows and come to his aid. When no one did, he just sighed, seeing that he had no choice.

        "Okay," he told the woman with a nod. You have yourself a deal."

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