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You wanna know how depression feels like?

Its like having a blackhole in your head, or in your heart

Or your mind, whatever you wanna call it

It sucks your happiness as soon as it pops up

And would drain you of every positive emotion till you can't cope up

You seek escape through experiences, but wherever you run

As soon as it ends, the sadness has begun

So yes, its like having a sieve

The water is your happiness, as it goes you grieve

And there's no neutral mood you can stay in, you've been deceived

When your mood falls it falls until you hit rock bottom

And getting back up from there is not easy like cotton

More like stitching a sweater by slow hands, while shivering in the cold

And if snow or rain falls it gets undone again, making you lose hope

So yeah, having a monster in my mind isn't dope.

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