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Lady luck, what cruel games you play

First you put me in reach of my wildest dreams and then take them away

Then you take away my support, leave me crashing down in the void

And once I become a hollow shell of a man I once was

You send her back, and I'm too weak and unable to avoid

But this empty heart cant feel anything because its already spoiled

It feels like venomous snakes lie coiled around my body

Poisoning my mind and making it inaccessible to anybody

So much so, that even the ones who love me feel like just nobodies

And I don't know what to do, I just want to feel like I once did

Though I feel like an old motorbike that has been already rid

Far too many times, and is rusted and gets no bids

But will still be ridden for much longer and made to go on, like it always did.

Eternal PainWhere stories live. Discover now