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I've seen it all

I've seen the trees that stand tall and the flowers so small

I've seen the sun shine high and felt the moonlight's call

I've seen the people pass by and the friends turn cold

I've seen it all

I've seen the bright city lights, and the giant noisy flights

I've seen the pet dog giving bites, and the streets dogs in catfights

I've seen the countryside farms, and the lizards do no harm

I've seen the state of panic and alarm, and the rare one of calm

I've seen it all

I've seen lovers turn exes, and strangers turn lovers

I've seen the relationships with and without sexes

I've seen a mother cry, and a father laugh

I've seen a child's heart dry, and an old man's heart warm

I've seen it all

I've seen broken people mend, and strong people break

I've seen gambles played with and without any stake

I've seen fear possess brave souls, and courage enter a coward

I've seen someone not live much, but see a lot of life

I've seen it all.

Eternal PainTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon