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How long can an artist live without creating art

How long until the 'sublime and beautiful' from his soul falls apart

How long until a hiatus or a break turns into an exit

Haven't created anything for long, haven't stressed it

Became complacent, thought inside me my art is nested

But what if one day I wake up and found it wasn't there

What if one day I just am unable to write when I come over here

Or there, or anywhere? 

What if one day my dormant talent finally disappears

And I'm only left with old laurels to show to my peers

But I don't even show them to my peers, they are only for me

So once I lose my artistry, will I be able to see

Eye to eye with myself, knowing my skill is now asleep

And reviving the old flame would become too big a leap

Such as these are the many thoughts I have when I try to sleep. 

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