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If life is more pain than pleasure

Than why is it so necessary to live

Its not like I matter to the world at large

I can't trust that there is some master plan

According to which this world was carved

Cause look at it right now, it seems we have gone too far

Away from what it was meant to be, leaving the Earth endless scars

And hurting each other with heavy sticks and cruel bars

What are we living for on this planet under the stars

I write another poem at 3 am, trying to fill the void in my heart

But it can't find peace, and its been a journey of hell from the start

Why was I made to exist when everything would have been better without me

Why couldn't my parents think with their brains or live with a bit more kindness

Going upon this journey of life over and over feels very mindless

I have seen so much of the light that I now prefer blindness

Cause when you have no place in the universe, but are still given one

Its hard to keep it when you never asked for or wanted to keep one

And its too hard to see where this journey of pain would end

When will my mind function normally and stop trying to rend

My soul into pieces each time I think of myself as my friend

No one on this journey to death shall accompany me, that's fine

I know everything will feel better in the morning

Just write another line, everything will be fine.

Eternal PainWhere stories live. Discover now