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Clarkes POV

I watched as Lexa left, wanting her so badly to stay.

"Clarke." My father sat down on the edge of my bed. "I know it's a shock. But it's really me, and I'm okay."

"You died." I mumbled. "I saw you." Dad shook his head and then reached for my hand. I tensed, but allowed it.

"Clarke, let me finish before you question things okay?" When I nodded, he took a deep breath and started telling me everything. "I have a twin brother, we're identical. His name was Chris. A few years ago, he was in bad debt. I tried to help, but it wasn't enough. He was employed by a powerful man to do his dirty work."

I raised my eyebrows, shocked. Dad never told me I had an uncle.

"I found out what he was doing, and I knew that it was illegal. I tried to stop him, but all he did was tell his boss that I was a threat. A command was issued the next week to kidnap you. I don't know what they wanted with you, but it's a good guess that it wasn't good. Chris posed as me and went to pick you up from school."

My head swum with all this new information, and I tried to hold myself together."

"Someone - and I don't know who - wanted to protect you. So they shot Chris and he died, you believing that it was me."

"Why did it take you six months to come back?" I whimpered. "Why did you not come back sooner?"

"Because I was being followed by the man that employed my brother. I came back when I knew you and your mother would be safe."

Everything came flooding back to me in a rush, and a river of tears began to run down my cheeks. It was a lot to take in, your supposedly dead father knocking on your door. I held out my arms and he hugged me, as I buried my face in his shoulder.

"I love you so much sweetie." He mumbled against my hair.

"I love you too dad." I whispered. "Always."

We stayed like this for a few minutes, before I felt someone else sit down on my bed. I looked up to see mum, who reached out and wrapped one arm around me and one arm around dad. All three of us sat, wrapped tightly around each other.

Dad moved, and I looked up to see him tucking a loose strand of hair behind mums ear. She smiled, resting her head into his hand. This must be harder for her, but she seemed to be handling it better than I was.

"So, Clarke." Dad asked. "Who was that girl you were with before? I didn't recognise." I blushed and mum laughed.

"Umm, that was Lexa." I tried to get away with just saying that, but mum raised her eyebrows at me and I groaned. "My girlfriend." I whispered, burying my head in my pillow.

Dad stroked my hair in a way that told me he was okay with it. I was glad, and straightened up.

"One thing though." He said. "If you're both..."

"I already told her that." Mum cut in. "She knows." I groaned again and shoved them both gently.

"Get out." I complained, only half meaning it. They knew that, but they left anyway, closing the door behind them.

I lay back on my bed, smiling up at the cieling above me.


Lexas POV

I woke up the next morning feeling very flat, with the knowledge that I would not see Clarke until later.

"Lex, you're going to be late!" Luna called as she passed my door. I glanced at the clock on the wall, and then jumped out of bed.

Within ten minutes I had eaten breakfast, got changed and brushed my teeth. I ran out of the house, and made it to school just before the first bell.

The first thing I noticed is that there was a lot of looks being thrown my way. Angry, disapproving, disgusted, I had not idea what was going on.

I rushed into english a few minutes late, but Mrs Porter didn't say anything. Sitting down, I slid my bag underneath my desk and turned to the front.

"Lexa.' Costia whispered nudging me. I turned.


"Is it true that you attacked the new girl? Clarke? Everyones saying that you were with her at the concert and then..."

"What the hell!" I whispered. "Of course not. I would never..."

"Miss Woods, be quiet." The teacher said, and I stopped talking. She continued the lesson, but I couldn't pay attention.

Someone had spread a rumor that I attacked Clarke. Someone who was at the concert, someone who saw.


I whipped my head around and he was staring at me. When I looked at him, he smiled cruelly and shrugged ever so slightly.

Why would he do this? Was it because he liked Clarke too? I knew that he had been humiliated when she pushed him away, but this was taking it a bit far. Angry, I turned back to the front.

The lesson passed, and as soon as the bell rung I went straight up to Finn.

"Why the hell would you do this? You know it's not true." I said.

"Of course it's true." He said, as many people stopped to listen. "I saw everything Lexa. I saw how you kissed her, she pushed you away, and you did it again. You don't really care."

"Why wouldn't I care?" I asked. "You don't know anything."

"I do know that you're a lying, cruel b*tch." He said, and abruptly left, leaving me to stare afetr him in shock.

People around me sniggered and whispered to each other at Finns words. I couldn't hear much, but I heard enough to know that they agreed with him. That they believed him.

I ran.

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