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Lexas POV

I opened the front door and Luna immediately rushed to my side.

"You were much longer than usual. What happened?"

"Clarke was there." I explained. "We hung out and talked for a bit." Luna squealed and literally jumped. I rolled my eyes and edged past her and headed for the stairs.

"I expect full detailes later!" She called up to me as I climbed the stairs.

"I know you do." I mumbled, not loud enough for her to hear. I swear, Luna knows me better than I know myself sometimes. 

My mother poked her head out of the bathroom as I passed and then held up a hand to stop me from going anywhere.

"Where have you been?" She asked.

"At the cafe." I said. "Just like normal."

I never had the best relationship with either of my parents since they were always out on work trips or working the night shift. They both worked with the police, and were almost never both home at the same time.

"Okay. Just tell me next time. I was worrying about you." I nodded and then stepped around her, heading for my room and closing the door behind me. 

I let out a long sigh when I was finally alone, and plopped down on my bed. Picking up my phone, I checked my messages. There was one each from Anya, and one from Niylah.

Anya: Don't go too hard on her

Lexa:  I didn't

I clicked on Niylah message then.

Niylah: Hey, I just remembered that I have a couple extra tickets for this concert downtown later in the week. I'm bringing Roan and if you want you can come and bring an extra person.

Lexa: I'd love to come, I'll text you when I find someone to come with me

I pressed send, and then clicked the off button. The phone went black as I placed it back on my side table.I wished that I could text Clarke, but I didn't have her number, maybe I would ask her tomorrow.

Since meeting her at the cafe, I was more sure that she liked me too. When she reached to help mop up my spilled tea, I saw her hand heitate when it touched mine, like she wanted to keep it there. I wanted too, but I got flustered and pulled back. I wished I hadn't pulled away, but I couldn't do anything about it now.

I sighed, and then reached for Twilight again.


When I got to school the next morning, I scanned the immediate area for Clarke. I could see the back of her blonde head as she stood with a small group of people, and I also noticed that Finn had his hand on her shoulder.

I gritted my teeth but only got out of my car and locked it behind me. It was none of my business who Clarke was with.

"Lexa!" Someone called. I turned to see Emori from my netball team.

"Hey." I said, giving her a hug. "You're back." Emori had broken her hand last week during a game, and had been off school since. She held up her hand and I laughed at what she'd done to her cast.

Emori had used a dark green pen to ink dark swirls across the cast, creating a creepy but pretty cool design. 

"Do you like it?" She asked and I nodded.

"I think it looks great." I reassured her. "Hey, I'll see you later okay?" Emori nodded and turned to go. I had seen Clarke coming towards me, and I waved as she approached.

"Hey Lexa." She said. "I want to ask you this before I completely chicken out. Can I have your phone number?" She flushed a deep red as she said this, and I bet I did too. But I had to admit, she had guts to just say it outright like that.

"Yeah, sure." I said. "Only if I can have yours too." Clarke smiled and we exchanged phones. I programmed my number into hers and just saved it under Lexa with a little heart emoji next to it. I was nevous as I handed her phone back, but when she saw it she laughed.

She raised an eyebrow when she looked up at me again, and I could tell she was trying her hardest to keep her wide smile at bay.

"Did you want me to put a little heart next to my name too Lexa?" She asked, sounding like she was kidding just a tiny bit. I put on my best flirting face.

"Are you flirting with me Clarke?"

"Maybe." She winked and then flipped her hair over her shoulder as she walked away. I was left staring after her. She was sly, playing me at my own game like that. Clarke got me, and she knew it.

I shook my head and turned to go to my first class, which was history. We hadn't had this class yesterday and I spent the first ten minutes watching the door, hoping that Clarke would come in. She didn't, and I eventually accepted I wouldn't see her again for a while.

Paying attention was very hard, so I doodled on a corner of my book, drawing star after star in the margins. When the bell rang I jumped up eagerly, excited for art class. When I arrived, I was early because of how fast I'd walked over.

"You're early today Lexa." The teacher, Ms Diyoza said. I shrugged and then sat down in my usual seat. After a minute, the chair next to me scraped back and I looked to see Clarke sitting down next to me.

She smiled prettily me and opened her mouth to say something but was cut off my the teacher.

"Okay, settle down. I want to start a new project today, and we will be working in pairs." Clarke scribbled on a spare piece of paper and held it out to me. It said 'want to work together?'. I nodded and then turned back to the teacher. "I want you too sketch your partner, as accurately as you can. You will get a few weeks to do this."

I smiled to myself as I thought of weeks of art just drawing Clarke. It was like the teacher knew what was going on and wanted it to happen.

"So." Clarke said. "I get to draw you."

"Do you want me to pose?" I asked dramatically, running a hand through my hair and pulling a duck face. Clarke laughed and I smiled again. She picked up a piece of sketchpaper and handed one to me.

We started drawing each other, our pencils gliding over the paper, leaving a trail of grey behind the tip.

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