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Lexas POV

I watched as Clarke walked off down the hallway to find Finn, so glad that she didn't like him the way I thought she had. What I saw this morning made doubts overcome me, but Clarkes reassurances had made me feel a lot better.

I went down the same hallway that Clarke had, heading for the shades. Maybe I would find Emori and sit with her. When I emerged into the sun, I scanned the shades for Emori and found her sitting at a table with a small group of girls.

"Hey Lexa!" Emori greeted me as I approaced. "Come sit." She patted the space next to her and I sat down.

I nodded hello at everyone else at the table and I got a mixture of smiles and waves back. They were mostly from our netball team, so I knew most of them pretty well.

"Who's going to fill in for Emori until her hand gets better?" Maya asked.

"Well, if you wanted too, I was going to put you forward for the spot." I said, and Maya smiled wide.

"Really?" When I nodded, she laughed. "I would love too. Thanks a lot!"

Maya hadn't been on the team long, and most of the time she was confined to the bench, as a substitute. But she had shown real promise in training, so I had asked the coach if we could put her in more games.

I sat, only half listening as they chatted about netball and school and other things I wasn't really interested in. Mostly, I was watching out for Clarke, but she seemed to talk to Finn for a while. When they eventually returned, Finns face was slightly red, and I smiled at his obvious disappointment.

"What's making you so happy?" Emori asked, following my line of sight.

"Nothing." I tried to play it off, but Emori saw right through me.

"Oh my gosh!" She squealed. "You like Clarke!"

"Well don't announch it to the whole school." I complained, sinking down in my seat. Emori giggled.

"So, when's the date?" She asked sarcastically. I couldn't help but smile.

"Thursday." I mumbled, and Emori's eyes widened.

"I wasn't serious Lex, but you work fast!"

I rolled my eyes at her and watched as Finn sat down and so did Clarke, on the opposite side of the table from him. She looked very worn out, and I saw Bellamy put a hand on her shoulder, maybe checking if she was okay. Clarke looked at me, and moved away from him.

She was making a point to me, and I couldn't hide the small smile that I gave her. Clarke visibly relaxed, and then turned to her friends.

"She really likes you." Emori said, peeking over my shoulder. "It's cute." I shoved her away gently, making everyone at the table laugh.

"Shut up. Like you can talk?" Emori folded her arms and gave me a skeptical look.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Murphy." I teased, and her face went red.

"Shut it Woods." She pretended to threaten me. "Or I'll...I'll."

Everyone laughed at her failed attempt to scare me, and Emori scowled but smiled. Just then, Hope looked over my shoulder and made a face. I turned to see Costia coming towards me, and I internally groaned. Costia was a nice girl, but I didn't really want to get mixed up with her right now.

She stopped a few steps behind me, nervously fiddling with the strap on her bag. Everyone was looking at her, and I was sure that a few glances were not very friendly.

"Uhh, hi Lexa." Costia said, trying to ignore everyone else. "I was wondering if I could talk to you for a minute?"

I glanced over her shoulder at Clarke, who was staring worridly in my direction. Looking back to Costia, I shook my head.

"Sorry." I said. "I can't."

"Oh. Okay." Costia nodded and then left. I grimaced at her sad expression but I wasn't going to back down. If things between Clarke and I were going to work out, I would do what it took.

The bell rang, signalling the end of lunch. Everyone stood to go to class and I headed off to biology, where I was friends with no one in my class. But I didn't mind that today, it would give me time to think about things.

The class sped by and before I knew it, I was heading for my car. I only had around three hours before I picked Clarke up for our date, and I couldn't wait. What I was worried about was if her mother knew about us. I would ask Clarke later.

Luna was running around the house when I got home, apparently deciding what I would wear tonight for me. I rolled my eyes at her and let her be for now, I would tell her to cut it out later.

"What about this one?" Luna asked, holding out what must be the fiftieth outfit. My eyes widened and I firmly shook my head no.

"Luna, that's more suited for a pool. Where did you even get that?"

Luna shook her head and ran off again. I sagged back into my chair and checked my phone again for any messages.


The time was six now, and I got up to get ready. Luna complained when I said I didn't need help, but got over it quickly and left me alone.

I had a quick shower before heading back to my room to find something to wear. After ten minutes of indecisiveness, I eventually settled on a black tank top with a thin plaid overshirt and my favourite ripped jeans.

Just as I grabbed my phone and stuffed it in my purse, I heard a car pull up outside. Niylah waved from the passenger seat of Roans car as I said a hurried goodbye to Luna and rushed out of the door. I clambered in the backseat.

"Hey Lexa." Roan greeted me. "Where's your girl's house?" I blushed at his words.

"7 Sky Road." I said, and Roan nodded. We drove the short distance to Clarkes house, and Roan parked the car on the road while I got out. When I got to the door, I quickly ran a hand through my hair before knocking on the door.

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