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Lexas POV

I was reading on my bed when my older sister Luna knocked on my door and poked her head in. She grinned at the book in my hands - probably laughing at how many times I've read it - and sat on my bed next to me as I stuck a bookmark in and sat up.

"Twilight?" She asked. "Really?"

"What's wrong with Twilight?" I retorted, shoving the book on my bedside table next to my lamp. Luna shook her head.

"Nothing." She defended her comment. "But I have noticed a trend about when you read that book. You're not hard to read Lexa."


I must have looked guilty because Luna laughed and ran a hand through her tousled hair.

"Every time you get a crush, you read that book." Luna said. Dammit, she'd noticed. "So spit it out, who's the lucky girl?" I fidgeted with the hem of my shirt, not looking at her.

"No one." I eventually said. "Who sayd I can't read Twilight when I want too." Luna sighed heavily.

"Come one Lex." She pleaded. "Tell me." She used my childhood nickname, the one she only used now to get something out of me. I giggled at the puppy dog eyes she did before giving up and telling her.

"Fine. But you can't tell anyone." Luna nodded and crossed her heart. "Clarke Griffin." I mumbled into my sheets.

Lunas eyebrows shot up, obviously recognising the name. She was only a year ahead of my in school, and she'd probably heard of or seen Clarke around. New people were always a novelty to everyone for a few weeks.

"Is she gay though?" Luna asked, getting straight to the serious stuff. I shrugged, that was what scared me the most about liking Clarke. Sure she'd always been looking at me today, but that was just probably since I'd helped her out.

Luna could read me like a book, so she always knew what I was thinking. She made a sad noise and then put one arm round my shoulder, trying to comfort me. If I asked Clarke out or anything like that, I was risking humiliation as she rejected me.

We sat for a minute, not saying anything. Eventually Lunas phone beeped in her pocket and she let me go to check it. I watched her face carefully, to see if I could tell who it was. 

A small smile crept up at the corner of her mouth, and her face reddened slightly as she read the message and then started typing.

"Who's that?" I sung, throwing a pillow at her. "Your boyfriend?" Luna pressed a button and then stuck her phone back in her pocket. She raised one eybrow at me.

"None of your business." She retorted. "You can't say anything. Have you even got Clarkes number yet?"

"We only met today. I can't just ask for it now, I will sometime though."

"Sure you will Lex, sure you will."

"Out!" I suddenly said, pointing at the door. "Get out." Luna laughed but quickly got out of my room, annoyingly leaving the door wide open behind her. I could still hear her laughter downstaris as I got up to close it.

When I flopped back on my bed, I took my phone off my side table and turned it on. There was a new message from Anya.

Anya: I heard rumours...

Lexa: About?

Anya: You and someone called Clarke Griffin

I sighed, of course Anya had already heard about this. I just hope that not everyone was as informed as she sounded.

Lexa: Who told you?

Anya: Luna

Lexa: I have to go

Chucking my phone on my bed, I wrenched open my door and stormed downstairs. Luna definetely heard my thudding footsteps coming down the stairs, but didn't acknowledge me when I stormed in.

"Why would you tell Anya she'll tell Clarke trying to be helpful and it will end badly Luna. Why?" I whined.

"Oh come one Lex, lighten up." She said. "Anya was going to find out anyway. I've already told her to keep her mouth shut. She swore on it."

That cheered me up slightly, I knew Anya would never break a promise. I relaxed.

"Fine. I won't thank you though." I walked to the door and then realised I didn't want to be home.

"You going out?" Luna asked a minute later as I walked past the lounge and headed for the door.

"Yeah, I'm going to go study at Second Dawn." I explained as I opened the door. Second Dawn Cafe was my favourite in town, since it was within walking distance and they made good drinks.

I closed the door behind me and slipped my feet into the sneakers I always left outside. Walking down the drive, I set off at a brisk pace down the street. I arrived at Second Dawn only fifteen minutes later, waving hello to Niylah, who was brewing coffee.

"Long time." She said as I approached the counter. "What would you like."

"Just a medium green tea please." I said, ordering what I always ordered.

"Original." Niylah said sarcastically, and I laughed. She gave me a number tab and I sat at my favourite table near the window, where I could see the sunset fully if I sat here at the right time. At this time, the sun wasn't quite setting yet but it would only be another half an hour.

It only took a minute for Niylah to come over with my tea, and since there weren't that many customers today, she leant on my table for a minute to talk.

"So, how are you doing?" She asked. "We haven't talked in a long time."

"I'm good actually." I took a small sip of tea so I didn't burn my tongue. "Schools good, they promoted me to captain of the netball team last month. I'm pretty good."

"That's great." Niylah said. "Got anyone special at the moment?"

I flushed and Niylah grinned knowingly.

"It's complicated." I eventually said. Niylah nodded.

"I get that. Anyway, we should catch up sometime. I'll text you sometime." I nodded as she went back to her job. The door swung open again and I shivered slightly in the breeze it brought. Someone stepped up the counter but I didn't pay much attention until they spoke.

"Small mochaccino please." The person said, and I looked up in surprise. I could only see their blonde hair, but I was sure that it was Clarke. When they turned around to find a table, Clarkes eyes widened as she saw me.


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