11) What Dreams Do

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"If you can dream it, you can do it." -Walt Disney

The entire theater was in a fit of confusion or frustration as they wondered how a simple mortal man such as Brendan could have been capable of taking Mickey Mouse and all their friends away. Villains like Maleficent continued to stared harshly at him as if he was a threat to them all. Brendan thought at some point that she was going to be the acclaimed Mistress of All Evil that she was and eventually kill right there in front of everyone, and potentially awake him from what he hoped was a freaky dream.

"You insane twisted young pipsqueak!" came the yammering voice of a masked mallard. "Thinking that you can wish us out of existence! Well, let's see how you like it when I, DARKWING DUCK, zaps you out of existence!" The eccentric duck pulled a small pistol from his cape and aims at Brendan. "Suck gas, Evildoer!" Brendan watched on very chafed at the dismal efforts of the purple cladded bird. When Darkwing pulled the trigger, however, the pistol vanished; similar to how everyone else had vanished. A delirious expression came across Darkwing as he pouted and commented, "well that's just great", before he too started to disappear in front of Brendan and all the other characters.

"Oh, my!" Minnie gasped with shock in her eyes. "He'll be the end of us all!" Timon burst out. Other characters started talking about what happened and what they should do. Some talked about the safety of their friends and family, others thought of ways to make things right. And then there were the ones so full of anger, that all they thought of was hurting Brendan. "OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!" the Queen of Hearts demanded. Without hesitating, all remaining twenty-nine card-soldiers charged at Brendan with the intent of fulfilling their Queen's wishes. Brendan stepped back in fear, and he climbed onto the stage with Minnie and Goofy to avoid being captured. As he turned to see if they would follow, Minnie noticed the confusion in his eyes and the look of survival in a new environment prescribed in his behavior. She almost believed that he perhaps didn't mean to cause the disappearance of her beloved Mickey and all their friends. The cards were about to climb onto the stage when Yen Sid stepped forward and put out his arms. You could almost imagine the cymbal crashing when he did it, as he commanded attention, order, and complete silence. The theater went dead, and the old master turned to the young lad. A high brow as he eyed the newcomer doubtfully.

"Is this true, Brendan?" he asked. Brendan thought that was the silliest question ever. How could he have been capable of destroying Mickey Mouse? But under the circumstances, he felt the pressure from all the animated and live characters around him. "I don't even know how I'm here, old man. Let alone whether I made Mickey- disappear or- vanish or whatever. I just want to get outta here and get back to my life."

"We'll let you go if you answer the question" Yen Sid repeated. Brendan groaned but still thought back to what he might have done to cause all this. Then, he remembered the dream. "I didn't do anything. Maybe I had a dream about it, but that's it." Among the characters, Minnie, Jiminy, Tinkerbell, and Maleficent's eyes were the ones to become the most intrigued about this development. "Wait" Minnie cut-in, "did anything else happen in this dream?"

"Well uh," Brendan stuttered, trying to remember what he saw. "I saw a gathering around a large table in... I think it was, Mickey's house or something. And then, people like Aladdin and Snow White vanished, just..." He now realized that his dream and what he was seeing now were the same thing. "...like... Mickey."

All the characters that survived the meeting in Mickey's house were stunned to hear that Brendan had made Mickey disappear, and henceforth, orchestrated their gathering in his own mind. "But c'mon, it's only a dream I had. How could that possibly have any real implications on what's happening?"

"Well you clearly haven't been paying attention" Donald scolded the young blonde. "Cause' around here, any dream can come true; even if it's a nightmare."

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