7) The Dream

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"In our animation we must show only the actions and reactions of a character, but we must picture also with the action. . . the feeling of those characters."                                -Walt Disney


It was nothing but a night sky and a dazzling display of stars that washed over it with splendor. They twinkled and shimmered with every point of a finger from Mickey Mouse in his sorcerer's robe and hat. He was working on some new spells and magic to test out. He was feeling as close as he had felt in his dream sequence in Fantasia. He used the highest point of his own house to conduct his magic, which meant standing atop the chimney. Above him, the stars swirled around him, dazzling and magically illuminating his big, cheerful smile. He sent the stars rocketing into the sky in a thin line, only to disperse like a wide fountain when he wished for them to. However, he did not anticipate what would happen once the stars dispersed.

As the stars shot out across the sky in several directions, they dimed sharply, making the black backdrop of the night become the dominate owner of its space. Mickey gave an inquisitive look to what was happening. "Hey! What's going on?" he said in his high-pitched voice, before the dim stars began to surge toward him. "Uh oh!" he remarked, as they swirled around the little mouse violently. He watched distressfully as the swirling energy grew into a strange illumination of light that only surrounded him. Soon, he started to notice that the bold red color in his robe was starting to fade, as was the blue in his powerful hat. As the color, left him, he soon realized his composition was becoming unstable as well. "HELP!!!" he cried, hoping someone could hear him, but there was nobody.

*** *** ***

The next morning is a sunny one. It looks as if everything was normal, as Minnie Mouse pranced gayly up to the steps of Mickey's front door. She knocks three times and waits for her sweetheart to open within a timely manner. He doesn't answer, but she still waits patiently. Knocking again, she calls his name just to let him know that its her at the door, but still no answer. At this point, she becomes impatient. "Mickey Mouse!" she exclaims, "you better be here to answer this door in 10 seconds, or I'm leaving!" Her time frame eventually ran out, and she turned huffy. Being more frustrated now than impatient, she pulled out her spare key and let herself into the house.

She marched around the first floor, looking for her sweetheart. After not being able to find him, she goes upstairs to search his bath and bedroom. Once again, he is nowhere to be found, making feel more concerned than frustrated. She called up Donald and Goofy, hoping that Mickey was with them, but she ended up coming back to the same result. Now becoming worried, she looked around his bedroom to look for any clues that could help her in finding out what could've happened to him, and she did with the sight of an empty glass case.

She had seen the case many times before, as it was the case that Mickey housed his sorcerer's hat whenever he wasn't using it. It appeared just as she had remembered seeing it all the past times, intact and not broken it. The only difference was that the hat was missing. She started wondering if Mickey had accidently done something bad while using magic with the hat recently and that's why he was gone. Suddenly, she hears a whimpering sound from the backyard of the house. She goes to the window to see what is making the sound, only to find Mickey's loyal dog, Pluto, lying in the grass with a worried expression. This confirms something bad has happened to her sweetheart and brings Pluto along to seek the only person that could help her find out what happened.

*** *** ***

Walking down a long-curved stairway of stone, Minnie and Pluto ventured into the mysterious caverns that served as the home of Mickey's sorcery master, Yen Sid. The older sorcerer was in the processes of mixing potions when they entered his study behind him.

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