Afternoon and evening came and went with them not saying anything to each other except Yoongi asking Hoseok to help him outside so he could take care of his business and Hoseok interrupting Yoongi's naps to force some food into him.

He did not know what exactly went on in the omega's mind during that time but as night drew closer, Hoseok found himself more and more accepting of the other's plan. For once, his heart, mind and wolf came to a unanimous agreement with his decision and at that moment he knew. He would follow Min Yoongi to the end of the world even if the other didn't want anything to do with him.

"I will do it." He murmured into the night, the flames of the low fire crackling between them as they lay on their sides on the hard, stone ground.

Yoongi had been facing away from him but at this, he rolled around onto his other side. His expression was a mixture of surprise, hope and apprehension.

"You will do what?" Yoongi probed slowly, unsure.

"I will help you kill the King of the North." Hoseok states confidently and upon noticing this the omega's lips quirk up into a slow, tentative smile. "It is high time he pay for all his evil deeds."


Time passed slowly.

It's not like Hoseok's agreement to help kill the Northern King meant that it would happen within the next day. First and foremost, Yoongi needed time to heal – both mentally and physically – especially his leg. Next, they would need to find a way to sneak into the palace, kill the King and escape safely. Hoseok wasn't so naïve as to expect that they would be leaving the castle unscathed – regardless of the success of their mission – but he needed to make sure that they would at least leave the place in the best possible condition.

The first day after Hoseok had agreed to help Yoongi fulfill his revenge passed much like the previous one, with them eating, napping and making some light conversation.

At one point Yoongi seemed to realize that it hadn't been Hoseok that treated him because he questioned the younger.

"I'm guessing you weren't the one who bandaged me up?" the older piped up suddenly as Hoseok was surveying the different pots of ointments Jimin had left, his brow furrowed in concentration as he tried to remember which ones Jimin had told him to use for Yoongi's injuries and then match the names of the herbs with the labels on the pots. "Not to be rude, but you look like you have absolutely no inkling as to what you're doing."

Hoseok puts down the two pots in his hands and turns to meet Yoongi's gaze with a sheepish smile, chuckling lightly. "Well, no. I mean yes, I haven't got a clue as to what is what- " he gestures exasperatedly towards the collection of medicine pots laid out in a cluster by the water bowl, "And no, I wasn't the one who treated you."

"Oh!" Yoongi seems intrigued and looks around, although he already knows that no one is there except Hoseok. "Where are they then? I would like to thank them."

"It was an alpha healer I luckily came across while looking for help." Hoseok explains. "Wait, didn't you say you were from Aelia City?" Yoongi nods but the alpha sees him go a little pale for some reason.

"Is-is he from Aelia?"

"He is." Hoseok confirms. "You may know him actually, since you both live in the same city. But Aelia is a big place, so maybe not." He shrugs. Aelia was indeed a very large city, the second largest in the whole Lupa Kim territory, in fact.

"What's his na-name?"

"Park Jimin." The omega's face falls, shoulders drooping. "What is it? Is he not someone you know, after all?"

Arrows, Swords and a Little Bit of Magic  ( Rated M )Where stories live. Discover now