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That was all they had been doing since being forced to flee the palace, to flee from his home - run.

There were so many thoughts flashing through his mind but he didn't even have time to linger on any of them long enough.

"Jungkook!" Jiwoo's voice in his mind alerted him that something was wrong and he skidded to a halt, turning around only to see that he'd run farther than both the Jung siblings. Jiwoo wasn't really too far behind him, but Hoseok was.

Jungkook cursed internally and bounded back towards the two wolves.

Of course, being closer to her brother than Jungkook was, Jiwoo had reached Hoseok faster and was nudging him with her muzzle, encouraging the older alpha to keep moving.

Right now, however, it seemed almost impossible for Hoseok to be capable of keeping up with them. The grayish-blonde wolf had a long gash down his side and blood was oozing from the wound, his fur coat now mottled with splotches of both dried and fresh red.

"We cannot keep running like this anymore." He said as he finally reached them. "We've barely eaten anything for days and your injury is serious. Now is our best chance to fight them, any later and we surely won't be able to overpower them." Jungkook directed the last part of his statement to Hoseok.

The oldest wolf shook his head. "Jiwoo can't fight and there are too many of them. If they intercept us then I'm not sure the two of us will be enough to fight them off." The wolf's hind legs slip on the dirt and Hoseok all but collapses onto the forest floor with a thud.

Beside them, Jiwoo nuzzles into her brother's neck, soft whines lodged in her throat. "I can fight." She complained across the mind link, "I know I cannot wield a sword but that does not mean that my wolf cannot fight either. Even if I've never actually fought in this form before, it's in our instincts brother."

Ignoring his sister's words, Hoseok raised his head from the ground and stared into Jungkook's eyes. "Let's split up." The older alpha's voice echoed in Jungkook's mind and the black alpha's eyes widened fractionally. He glanced to his fiancé but she seemed unaware that her brother had spoken. Hoseok was having a private conversation with him after temporarily blocking his link with Jiwoo, Jungkook realized. "I will do my best to hold them back while Jiwoo and you keep going towards Aelia."

"No way am I leaving without you, Hoseok."

His outburst is enough to alert Jiwoo of the closed link between the two siblings. "Jungkook, what is it? What did he say?"

"He wants to stay behind!" The youngest exclaimed and Hoseok winced a little from how loud the black wolf's voice in his mind was.

Jungkook saw anger creep into Jiwoo's eyes. The she-wolf snapped her head towards her brother whose eyes were guilty but when he glanced towards Jungkook the guilt was briefly replaced with disapproval and betrayal.

Jungkook snorted. "Don't you dare look at me like that! How could you even entertain that Jiwoo and I would be willing to leave without you. Not to mention, my brother would kill me."

Hoseok huffed. "You are his brother – he wouldn't resort to that. Anyway...what do you propose we do instead?"

"We trick them." Jungkook announced, continuing when he saw that he had both the Jung siblings' attention. "They are not that far behind us. We could lure them in by making them think we are too weak and they have the upper hand. But then we attack them instead. If we just keep running then we will die tomorrow or the day after anyway."

Arrows, Swords and a Little Bit of Magic  ( Rated M )Where stories live. Discover now