Bonus Chapter 2: Blessings

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"That's the goal!" Tsukishima's mom grins. "Make delicious food, so nobody stops eating and then they get fat! And as a result...I will be the best looking at the table." She teases and we all burst out in laughter.

"Kei, remember when Katsumi would come over all the time and you just thought that she was genuinely only coming to eat?" Akiteru grins.

"I really thought she was." Tsukishima looks away from me, taking a sip of his water.

"I wanted to see you." I hit his leg lightly, laughing. "The food was just a very nice plus."

"I know, I know." He looks at me and places a kiss on my forehead, chuckling.

"Okay, you guys should move to the living room now. I'll start on the dishes." Tsukishima's mom stands up.

"Oh, actually," Tsukishima speaks up quickly. "Um, I have something to say. Can we all go to the living room together right now?" He asks and I put a hand on his leg for comfort.

"Oh, what is it?" Akiteru tilts his head.

"Just...something I wanted to get from you all." He says, and everybody frowns.

"Hm, very well. Let's go." His mom nods and we all make our way to the living room and sit down.

Tsukishima and I sit on the edge of our seats and I reach over and grab his hand. He smiles at me before putting his other hand on top of our intertwined ones. We look at his family and they're staring at us expectantly.

"Okay, so," He starts. "A few days ago, I proposed to Katsumi." At this, gasps are heard all around.

"Wait, what-"

"Please let me finish." Tsukishima cuts his brother off. His hands are shaking a bit so I put my free hand on top of ours and give a light squeeze. "It was on a day we both had off, which we rarely get these days. I bought the ring with Akiteru around a month ago, but I couldn't find the right time to ask her to be my wife." He looks over at me and a soft smile comes over his face. He raises my hand to show them the ring.

"Anyways, I told her that we should go on a date. So all day, we went out and did whatever we wanted. We went to a movie in the morning, fed ducks at the park, went wine tasting, and then somehow found our way to a dinosaur museum." He laughs. "We spent so much time in there, and she listened to me just rambling and rambling about all these facts, and the whole time she had a smile on her face. She really listened to me." He gives my hand a light squeeze once again. He's going to make me cry.

I'm not going to cry dammit!

"I thought that it was the perfect day to do it. I brought the ring with me in the morning, and we were having so much fun that I just thought it was now or never. So once we got out the museum, I took her to the park where we hung out for the very first time outside of school."

I smile, thinking back on that day. It rained, and we ran to his house. I remember saying that I was just going to stay there until the rain stopped, but he didn't let me.

"We stargazed for a bit, talking about our future and things like that. And then I got onto one knee, and I just...did it. I poured my heart out to her and she soaked every bit up. She let me talk, or rather ramble, the entire time. We were both crying and I'm sure half of what I said was inaudible, but she listened like she always does. And then she said yes." He grins, looking over at me and kissing my cheek. "So, what I wanted to ask you guys was if I can have your blessings to marry her."

Sun and Moon- Tsukishima KeiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora