23: Mr. Run Quick Versus Some (Not-So) Silly Strings

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Iida relies on his engines to boost him quickly to his opponents... Elise mused. If I can slow him down, I might be able to deal with him easier.

His muffler is the weak spot. If you can somehow clog it...

Sticky web! You have Galvantula now! You can use that to set up a web around the course. Then clog his muffled with more of the web. And then you can immobilize him with more webbing. All you need to do is to make him unable to move about.

Hm... I think that's a good plan. I think with the help of Sewaddle, Galvantula will be alright. I'll stay up in the air with Pidgeot.

With that Elise nodded and stood up from the waiting room chair. It was time for her second battle.

"Welcome everyone to our second match of the round! Here, we have Tenya Iida, class-president and local busybody of Class A! On the other side, we have Elise Wing, Class A's local Pokémon whisperer! Both have shown promising potential, so who will win this round?"

Elise gave Iida a respectful nod. A bead of sweat trailed down her temple. She had to act fast before Iida reached her, or else she would have a difficult time carrying out her plan.

"Get ready!!!!!! Start!!!!!"

Elise formed a Pokéball in her hand, tossing it up into the air. "Pidgeot! Flight!"

The Pokémon flashed out and grabbed Elise's extended hand, tossing her into the air (remember a Pidgeot is canonically 4'11, that's a big bird). She landed on its back and peered down at Iida, who was looking up at her in confusion. Resting the Pidgeot's Pokéball in her lap, Elise formed two more. Galvantula and Sewaddle appeared in front of her.

"Hello," she greeted them. "I'm gonna need your help with capturing that guy down there." Elise pointed to Iida. They nodded and she grinned at them. "Thank you so much! We'll stay up here so you guys won't get hurt and you two can use Sticky Webs to stop him." The webs were strong and they were thin. Hopefully thin enough to not be spotted by Iida.

That is a good plan, stay up here until Iida is incapacitated.

Elise leaned up and patted the Pidgeot. "I'm sorry if I'm too heavy, but is it okay if you circle the stage?"

It cooed and nodded. They soared in circles above the stage, Sewaddle and Galvantula dropping down fine webbing upon the ground. Elise thanked them. "Okay, so now I'm going to go in front and distract him while you two land behind him and then make a net or some ropes. Then, Pidgeot can throw it over him." She pointed to the silver parts sticking out of Iida's legs. Her two Pokémons nodded and Elise signaled Pidgeot to fly lower and she hopped off it, turning to face Iida. She made sure not to step on the gossamer webbing all over the floor.

Iida gave her a wary look, pushing up his glasses. "I don't know what you're trying to do, Wing," he said. "But you won't be able to win this just by standing around!"

Do you think he can see the...?

I'm not sure.

She got her answer when he charged at her. Iida didn't get far, however. He got halfway before he crashed down to the ground, getting tangled up with the webs. Iida got up again and tried to charge at her. His engines sputtered and she saw blue flames burst from them. Elise tensed. "Now!" She yelled.

A net fell over Iida as Elise hopped past him, sweeping his leg out from underneath him. She grasped the ends of the net and punched it together, making sure it didn't touch her clothes or hair, and began dragging it with a struggling Iida in it to the edge. The webs slightly stuck to her hands, but that wouldn't be a problem where she was headed. Elise grunted as she felt a jerk from it.

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