18: That One Catchy Training Montage Song (Uh oh! Big Trouble in Musutafu!)

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The last few days had been hell. Between school and the classes ramping up, Elise was drained. Currently, she was in the nearby forest that she liked to frequent, a perfect place to practice her quirk without anyone seeing. The space around her was filled with birdsong and Elise took a moment to relax and enjoy the scenery. It was getting more difficult to get a little moment to herself, so the girl treasured what she got.

"Alright!" She announced to the empty area around her. "Time to get going."

Today Elise was planning to push her limits a different way. Instead of physical training, she was going to improve her quirk endurance, pushing the time limit and the amount of Pokémons that she could have out. The girl plopped down on the grass and summoned her first Pokéball. Luxray appeared and headbutted her affectionately, nuzzling into her form. Elise laughed and pushed the Pokémon away gently. The girl set the Pokéball down and called up another one, releasing its occupant and doing that again and again until she was getting ready to summon the seventh sphere.

Do you guys want to be out?

I don't mind since this is a secluded place, but be sure not to strain yourself.

I'm okay with anything.

Okay, I need to practice after all.

She released Blaziken and Mewtwo and set their respective Pokéballs down next to the other. Elise wobbled slightly as she stood up. The eight bonds of her Pokémons were a little distracting as they roamed around the clearing. Mewtwo offered the girl a hand to steady her but she waved him away. Elise gave him a smile and said, "I-I'm fine Mewtwo, thank you."

"So..." Blaziken said. "What are we doing today?"

"Well, I'm just going to let the others roam and I want to see how long I last. I want to practice different Pokémon moves too." Elise fished a package of tissues and bandages out of her jean pockets, putting them on the ground and fidgeting with her sweater. "I was...thinking of sparring while as a Pokémon...too."

Blaziken blinked owlishly at her. "Eh?"

"Well... I thought sparring with you or Mewtwo would help me improve with stuff. Ifyouguysaren'tfinewiththat—"

"Wait, wait, yeah of course! I was just surprised, that's all!"

"I think that would be a good idea, but however I will sit this one out."

"Why?" Elise asked him.

"I could hurt you. My powers are highly dangerous."

Elise raised an eyebrow. "I've been thrown like a bale of hay several times in the last... two weeks. Did you see what happened at USJ? Mewtwo it's fine if you don't want to but I know that you would never hurt me purposefully. I trust you."

Mewtwo nodded but reclined against the tree where the Pokéballs were. "Thank you for saying that, it means a lot to me, but I will act as a referee for today."

Elise gave him a thumbs up and walked over to the opposite side of the clearing that Blaziken was. She gave him a cautious look. "We should lessen the usage of our abilities," she said. "I know we're going to get a bit scruffed up but I don't think we want to burn down the forest."

Blaziken nodded and Elise shifted into a Lucario. Just as she finished, Blaziken charged at her. Elise dropped and managed to kick him in the stomach as she rolled out of the way. She whirled and ducked under his swings, landing a punch to his gut. Being a Lucario gave her a height disadvantage, Blaziken's 6'03 frame towering over her 3'11 Lucario form. Blaziken took a swipe at her and managed to scratch her arm. The pair continued with their sparring, and Elise was getting dizzier as a headache brewed.

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