75: This is the Chaoter Were They Try, Pt.1

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Elise tensed, lifting her hands in preparation for the fight. Above her class, Shindo was the head of the opposition.

"I saw it on TV! The power that also destroys yourself!" The black-haired boy yelled. "Well, if a nail sticks out, you've gotta hammer it down!"

Midoriya activated his quirk simultaneously with Bakugou, the two managing to divide and cover an entire area. As they took up the responsibility of dealing with the first wave of projectiles, the rest of the class shifted gears. Seeing the situation, Elise made immediate quick adjustments to her plans.

Too crowded for teams.

She put them into effect, shifting into a Pidgeot and taking to the sky. Exactly as tested, the visor stayed on, the new adhesion tech doing wonders despite her transformation. No wonder Furasu was so eager to get her hands on it to test it out. She'll have to tell the girl later.


Elise banked away as a ball whizzed by and brushed her wingtip.


Elise dragged her attention back as she approached the top of the spire where some students were hiding. Her first plan of action was to divebomb them, banking and pulling an Air Slash that derailed all the thrown balls from the upper levels of the spire. The targets on her stayed, even as she changed forms. But with the amount of wind buffeting her and the other students, nobody could get a clear shot before she shot back to clear the space for her friends' quirks to burst forth. Elise touched back down in a crouch, feeling one or two balls bouncing off her back, but none that came even close to touching her targets.

Her nose began bleeding and she had to take care of that before continuing, yanking off a glove to wipe away the blood with a bare hand.. Mina saw and leapfrogged over her, her acid aimed at the next orange projectiles and safely protecting both of them. A net being launched from Yaoyorozu's quirk-made launcher covered the rest.

Midoriya rallied for the class to gather around him. "Everyone! Let's keep going like this!"

A resounding confirmation and everyone launched into action again. Heart thrumming, Elise threw herself into the fray again, moving effortlessly among her class like they were one united organism. At this point, the rest of their opponents chose to reveal themselves, flanking U.A. on the other side.

"Guys!" Kaminari yelled. "Here comes a big one!"

Similar to the beginning, there was an outpouring of orange projectiles aimed at them. With most of the class occupied with Ketsubutsu, barely anybody was there to ward off the attack. Gaze darting around, Elise called out to Sato, one of the few who weren't facing Ketsubutsu.

"Sato!" She yelled, pulling off her gloves and tucking them in her belt loops. "Throw me!"

The large boy did a double take before agreeing, so Elise charged at him.when she jumped at him, she shifted into the form of a Froakie. Something by her temple clicked as she saw her visor changing in her peripherals, but there was no time to consider it as Sato geared back, her in hand. With the enhancement of his quirk, she was pitched headlong toward the projectiles.

Here we go.

She shifted back, preparing to unleash an Ultimate Move.

"Dual Form..." Elise's features began shifting, webbed ears and fingers taking place and skin tinting a cobalt blue sheen. "Greninja: Liquidation Rush!"

Water coalesced and stretched between her now-amphibious palms, beading and gathering in size. The stream became a broad shield that caught the spheres, suspending the entire wave there. The shield became a sweeping curtain as she pivoted. The water followed as Elise blasted it straight back at Ketsubutsu in a powerful cannon. She grinned at the sight of all her hard work going into action.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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