3: Another Necessary Filler Chapter Before We Get into the Actual Storyline

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The nearby park was one of Elise's favorite places to go. It was also Pan's favorite place, evident by the dog's tail that was hitting her thigh every two seconds. It was spacious, a place where many Pokémons roamed and the dog loved chasing after anything that moved. This park was where Elise had encountered many of her pocket monster companions and was a good place for her to be away from home before she moved out of her parents.

A buzzing in her pocket snapped her out of her little reverie. Taking her phone out, she looked at the screen. 'Message from AtomicBlonde: Hurry the fuck up, I've been waiting since forever,' it read. Elise smiled and sped up, going into a jog to reach the destination ahead of her, Pan lopping alongside. Reaching the clearing where she knew her impatient friend waited, she burst in, only receiving a scowl.

He 'tch'ed, and said, "'Bout time, bitch. I could hear you and that mutt from miles away."

Elise grinned and bumped his shoulder, "That was the point dummy."

Grumbling the ash-blonde shoved his hands in his pockets and said, "Since both of us are going to be in U.A.'s entrance exam, you're going to be training with me so that you don't fucking die during it."

Elise sweatdropped. "No need for the exam to kill me, your workout will probably be enough Bakugou," she muttered.

"What was that?!?"


Wheezing emanated from Elise's prone figure as she flopped on the grass. Her dog wandered over to her form and flopped down on top of the girl. A drawn-out groan came from her while her friend stared at her in unabashed disappointment. Sighing, Bakugou tossed her a water bottle and said, "You are going to die."

"I'm DYING right NOW," Elise wailed from underneath her 50-pound husky. Weakly nudging her dog, who obediently rolled off, Elise sat up and drank the water. "Not everybody can run an hour straight," Elise muttered.


"Yes," the girl agreed. Heaving herself to a standing position she grabbed Pan's leash. "Well, I have to go to the market later with Mezo, want to come?" she asked.

Bakugou shrugged. "Sure, the old hag gave me a list of things to get from the market. Mind as well get it out of the fucking way."

"Great!" Elise beamed, "I'll catch you later then!"
"We're going fucking grocery shopping, calm down you idiot."


"Fish... rice cake..." Elise muttered, reading down the list of items in her brother's smudged handwriting.

A low voice greeted her, "Hey."

The girl let out the startled yell as the paper she was holding fluttered to the floor. One look at the owner showed her friend Shoji and his six arms. "Don't do that!"

A small huff of laughter could be heard from behind his mask. Shoji was never the one to talk much, always the quietest out of her friends. On the other hand, Katsuki was true to his namesake, a brash, loud-mouthed male that did not hesitate in using insult like air. The two males were her closest human companions and how the three ever became friends was a mystery, but their friendship was one forged in the dawning days of childhood innocence.

Elise was friends with both of the males separately, bringing them closer until their inseparable trio was made. They made quite a sight, the freak girl with nothing, and explosive boy, and the boy didn't speak capable of shifting his extra limbs.

"Where do you need to go first?" Shoji asked with one of his limbs, scanning the open-air market. It was quite crowded ad the towering male knew how his friend reacted to crowds.

"Hmm, I need to get some fish and pick up eggs. Grab some lettuce and berries," the girl muttered, picking up the list she dropped.

"That's fine. I need to pick up chicken and mangoes, along with tomatoes," Shoji replied.

"Starting without me?" Bakugou's voice cut through the air.

Elise yelped, startled again by her other friend's entrance. She could see Katsuki's smirk from her peripherals as she tried to calm down her poor heart.

Shoji, taking pity on his friend, explained, "We're trying to figure out what we need. Then we can make a plan on what to do."

"Why did you say so? The old hag told me to get shrimps and carrots," replied the ash-blond.

Finding a common factor Elise decided to speak, " One of us can go to the meat section, one to the vegetables, and the other to the fruit stalls."

Shoji nodded, "I can grab us the vegetables."

Bakugou yawned, "I'll go to the meat section since I don't need to go get fruits."

"Then that leaves me with fruits. Let's split the money to cover our portion then,'' Elise agreed.

The three teenagers quickly did that and went their designated ways. Elise counted the money that Mezo gave and then hers. Reaching the mango stall first the girl picked out two large mangoes as her friend wanted, thanking and paying the vendor. Next was the berries. The stall she stopped by offered an assortment, so the girl decided to pick the raspberries and the strawberries. With cash to spare, she shrugged and got some Kiwis. Can't hurt me.

Shoving through the crowd, she nearly fell as a shoulder harshly bumped into her. Looking she saw a familiar golden-eyed person that was her father. Eyes widening the brunette quickly turned away and went down to another street, not sticking around to hear what the man had to say.

Of all the days, huh. she thought bitterly, Haven't bumped into any of them in a little while, all for the better.

The companions in her head knew to stay quiet, to let the girl talk.

Finally reaching the rendezvous spot where the two tall males were waiting. One not so patiently. It was Bakugou that saw her first, walking over to her. "Why the hell did you take so long?" he asked.

Nervously laughing while passing Shoji his fruits, Elise replied, "Just some traffic problems!"

Bakugou raised an eyebrow. "You're on foot," he said.


Bakugou didn't believe her statement but decided to let it go. He shoved a plastic bag and change at the girl with a grunt, telling her to take it and handed the other portion to Shoji. Swapping done, the trio left the market, unaware of the eyes that followed one of them.

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