Story 7- Pomeranian

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(Inu-jin Kacchan, quirkless au)

a/n ok so basically a Inu-jin (if that's even the name) is basically like a neko but a dog version. 

Izuku's pov

"Bye!" I wave goodbye to Uraraka and walk out of the grocery store. Then I get a call from my mom.


"Hi Izuku baby, look, I won't be home again. Did you finish your shift? It's getting dark so get home soon ok? Oh and there is still food in the fridge from the last time I was home right? Oh and-" My mother kept worrying.

"Mom, I'll be fine, I finished my shift and I'm walking home. Almost there and yes there is still food from last week." I try not to stress her out.

"Ok, I have to go now, get home safe ok bye, love you!" She hangs up.

"Yeah, love you too..." I keep walking towards my house. There should be Katsudon left from yesterday.

"Grr, bark, bark!" I jump and look down to an adorably cute but angry Pomeranian. It looked hurt. It's back right foot looked out of place.

"Come on little one, let me help you out." I reached out to grab the dog but it flinched. I left my hand there so it could smell my hand and begin to trust me.

"I just want to help, your foot looks really bad. You know, I'm currently studying to become a vet little one." I try again and the dog growls again but actually sniffs my hand after a little.

Finally after getting used to my hand the dog nudges it's head to my palm. I try to pick the Pomeranian up but just flinches again. After a couple seconds the dog lets me touch them myself.

"You have trust issues huh? Mommy or daddy issues?" I snicker at my own comment.

"Bark, bark!" I finally am able to pick the dog up and I begin towards my house again.


"Here we are little one!" I set the dog down.

"Want some food, then I'll check your paw and make a place for you to rest." I walk towards the kitchen leaving the dog in the living room.

"Want some Katsudon too?" I walk back with two bowls and set one down near the dog. He smells the food and then begins to chew slowly.

"Glad you like it." I proceed to eat my own food and turn the news on. After a good 30 minutes I grab both bowls and place them into the sink and walk back to the dog.

"Oh want a belly rub?" I could clearly see this dog was a he as he laid on his back, paws sticking up.

I walked over and rubbed his belly. I noticed how spiky but soft his blonde fur was. His eyes were an amazing shade of red. He was absolutely adorable.

Then I checked his paw to see what injury he had but it was all healed up though.

"That's weird, I could have sworn your paw was broken or dislocated." I began mumbling until he started barking at me.

"Well, being how you don't have a collar, I'll have to give you a name huh?" I began thinking of a couple names but only one sounded fitting.

"What about Kacchan?" I asked the dog but he was already asleep. Weird?


I woke up to the smell of fresh eggs. Mom shouldn't be home so who's cooking? A murderer or robber wouldn't cook you a meal before committing the crime, right?

I grab my baseball bat and head towards the kitchen. I stopped at the end of the hallway and looked to see a blonde in only a towel cooking eggs and pancakes.

He looked at me with the same red eyes Kacchan had.

"Good morning." His beauty and voice shocked me. I looked him up and down again, noticing how he was taller than I was and how he had spiky hair.

"Stop checking me out you- you Deku!"

"Huh! What are you doing in my house?" I tightened my grip on the bat.

"Calm down Deku! You invited me yesterday, remember?"

"Two things who the hell are you and my name isn't Deku!"

"Well I'm Katsuki Bakugou, I'm half Pomeranian, a Inu-jin to be exact and you didn't tell me your name so I named you Deku." He proceeded to scowl at me and go back to cooking and flipping.

"WHAT! You're Kacchan?" I was bewildered.

"Who the fuck is Kacchan? Look I just decided to repay you for feeding and taking me in for the night by cooking for you." He didn't look up at me.

"Kacchan is what I named the dog- I mean you. Let me get you some clothes and I actually don't mind you staying awhile longer since I'm always lonely anyway. I'm Izuku Midoriya!" I smile.

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