Part 32: Next!

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It would be a risky move, but she knew she had to get out of Robins place. Plus she was more than ready to stand on her own two feet again after coming out of being so dependent on everyone.

Heather and Violet came over to help her look, being that they both knew the area so well, and together they narrowed it down to four different buildings, two of which were located not even a block away from the network building.  

After Nova told them everything that happened with Robin, they were shocked, and yet they both still had completely different opinions on the matter. Violet recognized that Robin had done Nova wrong, but sympathized with her being that Robin was seeking help and automatically blamed it on past demons that Robin potentially encountered to make her snap they way she did. 

Heather on the other hand sympathized more with Nova and agreed that she was a crazy bitch who Nova needed to get away from as soon as she could. She felt like Nova had every right to her own choices and pressed her to exercise her own self worth to be upset at the whole situation. She was fixed on the fact that she broke Nova and Q up (who Heather was rooting for the whole time) and then not being able to deal when they became friends again. 

Between the two of them, it made it difficult for Nova to figure out how she felt about everything so she decided to just put it all to the back of her mind and concentrate on moving forward in her life, which ironically was out of Robin's. 

At least for the time being...

Nova was beyond excited to finally have her own apartment again. It felt like it had been so long since she had her own space to decorate and do what ever the hell she wanted to in. She missed doing her single girl things like lounging around in her undies till noon and having 2am dance parties with herself while smoking a joint. To not care if she did the dishes the next day or to be careless from her laundry piling up. 

She was ready to have it all back again...Freedom...

The day that she decided to go out and see these places in person, she invited Juan and Brian to come along with her. Juan was perfect because he had a great sense of style and he was just plain good company, and Brian was a great combination of New York attitude and a certain masculinity that could spot a leaky roof or a jacked up AC unit and not let anyone take advantage of Nova by letting her move into a shit hole. Being that he had done apartments and now had a house of his own, he knew what to look for and Nova trusted him. 

As the three of them pulled up to the first building, Juan made a yuck sound. 

"Already?" Nova exclaimed, looking back at Juan from the front seat of Brian's Jeep. 

"Uh, yeah...Like where is the rest of it?" Juan sneered. 

"Ohh come on...One story is good! That means no stairs and everything is right there, come on have a little faith!" Nova said, patting Juan's knee. 

"Yeah I don't know...I think I have to agree with Juan on this one...Does this neighborhood even look safe to you?" Brian questioned as he looked around with hesitation. 

They were outside a single story building off of one of the down town side streets on the city that looked like it could have been a business at some point and now was divided up into individual units. 

"Oh come on! It is probably not that bad inside, the pictures from the listing looked nice, and besides, the price is right!" 

"Nova, I really think you are better than this, I mean I'm no snob but there is a dumpster right outside the front door, I think I see an old blood stain right over there on the pavement too."

The Hot Canary (A Brian Quinn Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang