Baby Blue Eye

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It's cold... Sasuke shivered and slowly peeled his eyes open. His eyes searched for Naruto, but the blonde-haired-idiot was absent. He took a deep breath in and out. I wonder where he went. He pondered, stretching his body out before he sat up and saw that the window was open. It was a sunny day with a few clouds present in the blue sky. I guess that rain didn't last long, huh? He closed the window and hopped out of Naruto's bed. 

Sasuke walked to the bathroom to pee, but a note on the small kitchen table caught his eye. He picked it up and read that it had "SASUKE" written really sloppily on it. He unfolded it and tried his best to read the barely legible handwriting.


I had to get out early and get some stuff and repair my headband, I'll be back soon, so don't miss me too much!

Your favorite guy ever,


Sasuke's eyebrow twitched. This... idiot. I'll get him back for this joke of a letter when he comes back. He put the note down and continued on his journey to the bathroom. Once he was done peeing and fixing his hair, he poured himself a glass of water and sat down on Naruto's love seat, starting his wait.


Should I just go ahead and get five, or is that too many? Or too little?! Naruto stood in front of a very intimidating group of freshly picked garden tomatoes. Maybe I'm overthinking this. He'd be happy with even just a slice of one. Oh! I could maybe make him something special with these! If... I knew how to cook anything other than instant ramen. Naruto sighed and grabbed five tomatoes. 

There were perks of getting yourself kidnapped, Naruto had learned. A couple of days off from mandatory assignments, for example. He also enjoyed the extra care from Sasuke. 

He wondered if he could pair the tomatoes with another present. A fancy... comb? Fancy... hair clay? Why did I have to fall in love with the most difficult to read person in this village? Naruto payed for the tomatoes and exited the produce market. Honestly, the tomatoes might be enough. Sasuke isn't the type of person who likes being showered in gifts. He walked forward and contemplated. 

Oh! A flower wouldn't hurt, though. It would give it a romantic nudge~! Naruto turned himself around and began to make his way to the flower shop. Once he arrived, he was greeted by a very bored Ino.

"Oh, hey! Ino, I need to ask a favor." Naruto stumbled in, his tomatoes in a grocery bag on his arm. Ino looked over at the ninja. She was cutting off the thorns of some vibrantly colored roses.

"What do you need? If it's not flower-related, I can't help you out." She continued to snap off the thorns.

"It is flower related, actually." He'd examine the flowers around him, trying to think up the best one for Sasuke. Ino paused.

"Oh, it is? What do you need then?" She gave her full attention to Naruto, putting the roses into a vase. 

"Do you have anything around here that's deep blue? Or- blue? Anything blue?" His words would stumble when they came out of his mouth. Ino nodded and walked over to a section of baby blue flowers.

"We just got these in, aren't they pretty?" She held up a very small bouquet of them. Naruto walked closer and examined them. They weren't a dark blue, in fact, they almost looked lavender.

"Yeah, they are! What are these?" He questioned, already wanting to buy them. Ino started to walk over to another section.

"They're called baby blue eyes. If you want them, you should pair them with some lavender for a cooler color combination. Maybe even a few daisies..." Ino started rumbling to herself, getting a proper bouquet ready for Naruto. Naruto allowed her to. She obviously knew more about it than him, and once he thought about it more, just one of the baby blue eye flowers would've been too small to give to Sasuke.

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