Truth or Dare

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"Okay, Sasuke, truth or dare?!" Naruto asked, sitting on the ground of Sasuke's room. Sasuke sighed. They were sitting close beside Sasuke's wardrobe, and Sasuke was leaning on his bed.

"Uhm, truth, I guess." He blankly stated, realizing afterwards that it might've not been the best idea. Naruto giggled at Sasuke's answer.

"Oooh, come on! Are you scared?" He asked, laughing and poking Sasuke, teasing him. Sasuke tried to lean away from Naruto's finger. 

"H-Hey, no! Just play the stupid game, dobe." He pouted, folding his arms and looking down at the ground. Naruto sat his butt down and thought for a second.

"Hmm, oh! Sasuke, who do you have a crush on?" Naruto asked, looking quite pleased with himself. Sasuke thought.

"I don't really have a crush on anyone, Naruto." He said, biting his lip. "No one here has ever peaked an interest in me, and I doubt they ever will. Relationships only distract from training anyways." Sasuke continued. Though, he knew that somehow, he liked the kiss that happened between Naruto and him, but he would never admit that. He liked Naruto in what he thought was a messed up way. Naruto bit the inside of his cheek, not believing his answer entirely. Or, perhaps, he didn't want to believe it.

"Come on, Sasuke. You've got to like someone." He spoke in a quieter tone than usual.

"Naruto, I really don't, so can we just please move on? Why would you even want to know that, anyways? Are you afraid I'm going to steal Sakura or something?" He asked, closing his eyes and turning his head. Naruto scooted closer, noticing how weird Sasuke was suddenly acting.

"What?! I don't like her like that anymore. She's just a friend..." he trailed off, now scratching the back of his head. Naruto scooted a little closer, not thinking much of it. He wasn't planning on doing anything, he just... wanted to be closer to his teammate. Sasuke took notice of this, and because of all the... excitement today, he was especially jittery whenever Naruto got close to him.

"H-Hey, why are you getting all close?" He raised his voice, his heart pounding. Sasuke knew something was wrong. Naruto was different to him in some way now, as much as he hated to admit that. Sasuke's cheeks were tinted to the same light pink as the sakura blossoms they had admired earlier today. Naruto narrowed his brow, a serious expression now visible on his tan face.

"Sasuke, why are you getting all weird?!" He asked, leaning in a bit closer to his teammate. Naruto suddenly got a weird feeling in his gut.

What, what the hell..? The last time I got these butterflies in my stomach were when I still liked Sakura.. He thought, now blushing a bit too. Sasuke sighed again, looking away, and decided to just continue the game.

"Ugh, Naruto, truth or dare." He asked, keeping his gaze away from the blonde.

"Dare." He said, intensely staring at Sasuke. He again was scanning all of the features of Sasuke's face, finding something new to admire every second.

GET THESE STUPID THOUGHTS OUTTA MY HEAD!! Naruto thought to himself, looking down at the floor.

Sasuke sighed. What could possibly be a good dare? It's not like he ever played such tedious games. He was an Uchiha, after all.

"I, um.." He paused, still not knowing of a proper dare. "I dare you to.. actually train?" He muttered out, looking quite pleased with himself. Naruto gave him an annoyed stare, groaning at his remark.

"Really, Sasuke? Can we not talk about training for once?" Naruto groaned and moaned once more, now fully sprawled out on the floor. Sasuke sighed, and tried to think of a legitimate dare. What would be something that is completely normal and not at all questionable? Oh!

"Okay, how about an arm wrestle? I dare you to arm wrestle me." Sasuke said almost confidently. He thought it was pretty good. Naruto tilted his head slightly and shrugged.

"Alright, I guess you can't be asked to actually think of a good dare. Let's do it!" He exclaimed, flipping over on his stomach, in a proper arm-wrestling position. He waited for Sasuke to join their hands together, eagerly. Sasuke looked away and also got on his stomach, joining both of their hands. The Uchiha knew for sure that he was going to win, which is another reason why he chose the dare.

Naruto got ready to countdown. "Alright. One! Two! Three! Go!" He instantly started to push Sasuke's arm to the opposite side, with great strength. Sasuke did this also, both of them seemingly struggling to win.

"Hah..! I'm going to.. win, Sa-Sasuke!" Naruto bragged to him, his arm leaning more towards the opposite side. He actually might win! Sasuke scoffed.

"As if that's.. even true!" He slowly said, concentrated on the epic battle. There was a slight smirk on Sasuke's face, one that Naruto hadn't seen for a long time. Naruto noticed the long forgotten smile, and quickly lost his focus. Sasuke had managed to almost beat Naruto, as his hand was an inch from Sasuke's hardwood floors.

"See..? I'm almost.. there!" He grunted, Naruto quickly composing himself again.

"Argh! No chance!" He exclaimed, pushing their hands back into the middle.

After a few more seconds, Sasuke emerged victorious! As expected. Naruto yelled in frustration, tackling Sasuke to the ground.

"Redo! Redo! Redo!" He exclaimed loudly. Sasuke was swiftly and quickly pinned to the ground. He was frazzled and tried his best to get free from Naruto's grip, but his other arm was basically dead at this point.

"H-hey! Dobe, get off of me!" He said, stumbling on his words just a bit, his face turning a light peach color. Naruto started to realize what position that they were in. His face also turned a shade of pale pink. He didn't release his grip, though. It felt.. good to be in control. Not to just be in control, but in control of Sasuke. He took the opportunity.

"How does it feel to be under me for once, Sasuke?" Naruto chuckled at him, being a tease, and his grip also getting stronger. Sasuke gave him a wide-eyed expression.

"W-What did you just say?! Naruto, that's disgusting!" He exclaimed louder than before, still trying to be free from his grip. Suddenly, there was silence. Naruto clearly wasn't focusing again. Instead, he was lost in what could become of this. This.. relationship. This bromance. This friendship. This was Sasuke's chance to finally escape.

Yet he stayed.

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