As Stubborn as a Sasuke

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There were so many unanswered questions. Sasuke thought it was time for that to change.

"Naruto..." Sasuke started in a soft tone, "Do you know who those men were?" He asked, turning his head towards the fox. Naruto and Sasuke had changed positions since their original waking up cuddling session, as they were now sitting shoulder to shoulder, resting on a tree behind them. Naruto's left hand was resting on Sasuke's inner thigh, and Sasuke was leaning his head on Naruto's left shoulder, though, in his mind, he was pretending he wasn't. It felt natural, but it was still new, scary, and confusing for the Uchiha. Naruto took a deep breath in.

"I'm not... completely sure. They didn't talk to me very much, and they had no signs that they were a part of any village or gang." He sighed, slightly squeezing Sasuke's inner thigh to... relieve some stress. "Did you notice anything about them, Sasuke? Did ya' get a close enough look at any of them?" He would inquire, now turning his body to face Sasuke a tad more. Sasuke would shake his head.

"I wasn't able to look at them closely, but I was able to read a letter that explained who they were looking for— you." Sasuke's neutral expression became a worried one. "I didn't find out all of their intentions, but..." he trailed off once again. "I'm just... glad I was able to get you." His voice became quiet, and his cheeks would turn crimson. Naruto smiled.

"I am, too. I gotta know though, why didn't you bring anybody with you, teme?" Naruto furrowed his brow, then bit his lip. "Ah— I should know better than to ask questions like that. After all, I know you. Stubborn-ass." He chuckled, then leaned in to give Sasuke a kiss on the cheek. Naruto was met with a thump on the nose afterwards.

"Ack, I'm right!!" Naruto exclaimed, leaning in closer by Sasuke. Sasuke scoffed.

"You're stubborn, too." Sasuke simply put. Naruto scoffed and moved his left hand. Instead of Sasuke's inner thigh, it was now around his waist. "Not as stubborn and bullheaded as you." He said in an aggressive yet playful tone. Sasuke was a tad startled by where Naruto put his arm, but he kept his composure. Sasuke didn't say anything. He simply closed his eyes and pursed his lips.

"You know I'm right." Naruto kept his gaze on Sasuke, waiting for a snarky remark back. Again, Sasuke didn't say a word.

"Not talking? Fine. With my newfound power, I'll make you talk!" Naruto suddenly pushed Sasuke down to the ground, his arms pinned above his head. Sasuke's eyes widened, he was taken aback. He looked up at Naruto, who was above him, giving him a smirk. Sasuke kept quiet, but it wasn't hard to tell that he was a little afraid of where this was heading. Naruto huffed.

"You're really going to keep up with this, teme? Alright, let's see how long you can." Naruto's tone changed towards the end of his sentence. It became deeper, yet softer. He still had a smirk plastered onto his face, however. Sasuke was determined to play and win at Naruto's game. They were still rivals at heart, after all.  Sasuke remained quiet. The blonde tightened his grip on Sasuke's wrists, and leaned in close, close enough to where their lips were almost touching.

Knowing Sasuke, he'll get flustered and lash out after a few seconds of this, heheh... Naruto thought to himself, not yet trying another method of trying to get Sasuke to speak. Surprisingly, Sasuke didn't move nor utter a word. If Naruto would have tried this a few days ago, he would've been pelted into next week, but now, it was different for Sasuke. He was beginning to give in. To not care  about anything truly but his best friend, if he could even call him that at this point. After a few moments, Naruto leaned in all the way, their lips now touching in a soft, gentle kiss.

There's no way he'll take much of this. He'll crack. Naruto kept thinking. Both of their eyes were closed, though Sasuke's eyes fluttered open occasionally as the kiss became more and more intimate. Sasuke would start to melt. His breaths became less steady, and he would squirm around slightly. Naruto was surprised he wasn't being pushed off. It was time for the next move.

"I have to give you credit, Sasuke, I thought you would have cracked by now." The blonde chuckled again. "Still going to give me the silent treatment?" He asked, now fully taking in Sasuke's expression. His face was red, his breaths were still uneven, and his eyes were squinted a touch. He was obviously fired up. Naruto's own cheeks would begin to darken, and it only encouraged him to go further. Naruto slipped his tongue in Sasuke's mouth, making the kiss more passionate. Sasuke let it happen, but he knew that Naruto wasn't afraid to go further.

"Tch..." Sasuke whined a tad in between kisses. He tried to bring his hands to his mouth out of surprise of the sudden noise that just came from him, but he was still pinned down. Naruto was of course, encouraged by this. He raised up from the kiss.

"This is your last warning, Sasuke! I'm not afraid to go further! After all, I'm more stubborn than you." Naruto smirked, keeping his grip on Sasuke. Sasuke let out little whines after Naruto leaned back down to kiss him again, and when he did, his automatic reflex was to cover his mouth, but again, he couldn't. He moved his legs upwards, but they were met with the middle of Naruto. Naruto chuckled during the kiss, feeling Sasuke's knee. The blonde moved down, away from Sasuke's lips, now down to his jawline. Then his neck. 

I need to stop him. This isn't like me. I can't give into this. Sasuke thought, keeping his eyes shut. He could feel the sensation of Naruto sucking on the skin on his neck.  Sasuke made another noise, but it was a surprised one. 

Is he... really sucking on my neck? I swear, if he leaves a mark, I'll send him straight back to those guys. The thoughts rushed into his head. His breaths became heavy, yet still uneven. Suddenly, he could feel Naruto's fingers on his lower stomach. Sasuke opened his eyes and tried to look down. He knew he couldn't keep this up much longer. What was he even trying to prove? Or, was he using stubbornness as an excuse to be touched by Naruto? Naruto's fingers slid up further, as they were now at his rib cage. 

Wait... one of his hands are on my stomach. How did I not notice? I could probably escape. Sasuke thought, now only noticing that one of his wrists were pinned down, and the other was just resting on the ground, still in the position it was in when it was being held down. Naruto also took notice of this. He slid his hand back down, then lifted up Sasuke's shirt. 

This has to get him. I don't know how much farther I'm ready to go... Naruto thought, sliding his hand back up, it now being on his chest. Sasuke closed his eyes again, and put his hand on Naruto's. The blonde looked up.

"Are you ready to speak?" Naruto questioned. Sasuke simply shook his head. Just because he didn't speak didn't mean he couldn't use body language. Naruto would nod and go back to business. He lifted Sasuke's shirt all the way up, exposing everything. Naruto had seen these things before, but he would try to make an effort not to stare. He noticed that Sasuke's skin was flawless, pale, and his nipples were a perfect shade of pink. He wasn't ripped or anything, but beautifully toned. Naruto could feel himself get excited. He would swallow. Sasuke kept his eyes tightly shut. He wanted to pretend that he wasn't allowing this to happen. He then felt Naruto's hand caress his chest, along with leaving soft kisses on it. Sasuke held his breath. It was beginning to be too much. 

"Sasuke... you're really beautiful, you know that?" Naruto looked up at him with a sweet, genuine smile plastered across his face. Sasuke opened his eyes.

"" He quietly muttered out, gazing into a pair of vibrant blue eyes. Sasuke really looked at him. There were things he had never noticed before. The way Naruto's whiskers were perfect lines, the way his teeth were slightly crooked, but in a charming way, and the way his eyes would seem to beam when he looked at Sasuke. Naruto would stop and loosen his grip on Sasuke's other hand. He huffed and chuckled.

"See?" He raised up. "I'm more stubborn than you." Naruto would begin to completely get off of Sasuke, but he was stopped. Sasuke leaned forward along with Naruto, wrapping his arms around his neck. 

What am I... doing? Sasuke thought, kissing the person he thought he should hate. There was no point in denying his feelings any longer, they were already too far gone. Naruto gladly returned the kiss, and he wrapped his arms around him. It was gentle, but meaningful. Sasuke ended the kiss but kept his face close to Naruto. 

"You're... beautiful too." The Uchiha spoke.

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