Tears and Rain

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-Trigger warning, hard topics ahead(depression, suicidal thoughts)-

"My apartment or yours?" Sasuke stopped in front of the hokage's place, Naruto trailing beside him. Naruto pondered for a moment.

"My place! We were at yours last time." Naruto put his hands on his neck and stuck his elbows up in the air, resting his head on his forearms. Sasuke shrugged. 

"I mean, you didn't really stay over the... entire night." Sasuke mentioned, starting to walk the path to Naruto's place.

"I know, but you still had to host for a while. Come on, I insist~" Naruto spoke, sing-song like.  Sasuke scoffed and shook his head as he walked. The most tiny smirk would grow on his face, however. Naruto positioned himself right beside Sasuke, walking close to him. Not leaving his side.

He's beside me. It needs to stay that way. Sasuke thought as he walked, feeling a sense of safety and security beside Naruto, even though Sasuke was the one saving Naruto's ass for the majority of the time the last couple of days.

"Ah-Naruto!" The two boys heard a familiar voice. They turned around to see Sakura, Shikamaru, Ino, and Kiba. "Found you guys. How'd the report with Tsunade go?" Sakura questioned, folding her arms, mainly focusing her attention on Naruto. Sasuke gulped and made sure the neck of his uniform was pulled all the way up. There was no way he'd let any of those fools catch a glimpse of his mark.

"It went great! I'm glad to be back home. It's all thanks to this teme right here." Naruto leaned over to Sasuke and put him in a headlock, ruffling up his hair. Sasuke tried to push Naruto off.

"Ack- hey! Naruto, get off!" Sasuke protested poorly. The four ninja adjacent of them started to chuckle. Ino seemed the most pleased out of anyone.

"I see you two are getting along better." Ino folded her arms along with Sakura. Sasuke bit the inside of his cheek and finally got Naruto's grip loose, freeing himself out of the headlock.

"Sure." Sasuke huffed, trying to fix his hair back to the way it was previously. Naruto watched Sasuke do this. He examined each movement Sasuke made.

"Well, we should get going and give our report to Lady Tsunade, right Shikamaru?" Sakura had a sweet smile present on her face. Shikamaru returned the smile, though, it was only small smirk, and nodded in agreement. 

"Alright. Let's go. See you guys tomorrow or something. Bye, Ino. Kiba." Shikamaru began to walk off. Sakura departed a wave and followed. 

"We should get going too, right, Sasuke?" Naruto nudged him. Sasuke crossed his arms.

"We can, as long as you don't fuck up my hair again, usuratonkachi." Sasuke walked away. It was obvious he wasn't actually angry, but he didn't have much else to say to either Kiba or Ino. He also wanted to escape before Ino started to ask any questions. Naruto giggled and followed.

"Wait! Sasuke, can I talk to you just for a quick second?" Ino raised her voice so Sasuke could hear her. Sasuke shook his head and continued to walk. Ino ran up to him and stood in front of him. "Naruto, I'm just going to borrow him really quick, I need to ask him a question about... a thing." Ino quickly pushed Sasuke to the side. Sasuke sighed and went with it. 

I don't want to make a scene. Naruto would question why I didn't want to talk to her, and I haven't thought of a good enough lie yet. Sasuke gave Ino a glare as she got prepared to speak. 

"What's that mark, Sasuke?" Ino whispered, pointing to his neck. Sasuke narrowed his brow and instantly pulled up the neck of his shirt.

"I fell on a rock, you fool!" Sasuke began to walk away, but he was stopped. Ino had grabbed his wrist.

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