No Silly, I'm Star

Start from the beginning

"Hehe-hahahaaa-hahahahaaa." I maniacally laughed, causing her to draw back in fear.

"Pathetic." I stated with an excited glint in my eyes. She turned to run while trying to fiddle with her fur purse. I continued to skip after her, laughing in a high-pitched tone. She finally pulled out a hot pink phone, but instead of smartly calling the police, she called a friend. Pah! What the hell?! No wonder you're a damn prostitute!

"Peaches?!" She yelled.

"Hey Ch-" I could hear their whole conversation.

"Yea, it's me Cher!" She said in a panic.

"What's wro-"

"Help! Help, Peaches! There's an insane bitch trying to kill me!" She screamed.

"Woah! What?! Cher, talk to me!" She stated. The one named Cher looked back at me. I continued skipping as she was running pathetically slow. She was so uncoordinated that she even tripped over her other foot to land on her face. Pft, humans.

"Mmhmhm, Peaches! She's insane! H-her laugh is l-like from a n-n-nightmare. I thought s-she was a client, b-but she-"

"Cher! Call the damn police! You nee-" I had caught up to her and stepped on her phone, crushing it under my foot. She looked up at me, hair disheveled and face lined in a mask of sweat. I smirked and enjoyed the screams to come.

>Time skip<

She gave up quickly after I broke a few fingers. Now, wearing her clothes, I skipped down another unfamiliar street where I ran into a gang of ugly, filthy boys. I skipped by them, singing London Bridge in a childish voice.

"Wohoho, boys!" The ugliest one began. "Looky at what we got here." He snickered. There were random 'yeas and oohs' and too many suggestive stares. I stopped in my tracks and played the scared, innocent prostitute act. They took the bait and advanced in my direction. I mentally whooped at my many new victims. This is the best night I've had in a while. While he was stroking my shoulders, my hair had hidden the insane look in my eyes, and I smirked. A blood curdling scream pierced the air as I plunged my claws in his eyes.

"Hey! You bitch!" One of the members screamed. "You'll pay!" He said as he pulled out a gun. I maniacally laughed as I took in each and every scream from their pathetic mouths.

>Time skip<

Only two more hours. I frowned. One night is just not enough.

"Haha, soon it will be all the time." I said in a sinister voice. I held the gun I took from the dismembered gang boys. The police will love cleaning them up.

I laughed as I bounded through the streets of L.A., looking for one last victim. I came back upon my prostitute, and she wasn't alone. I smirked. Good job. Such a submissive victim you'll be. So cute. I studied his features. A man in uniform. Gets my blood boiling to see such a collected man. This should be fun. I jumped from the roof and silently ducked behind an alleyway. He was calling in on his radio to report the body, if he could even call it that anymore. I mentally tingled with excitement.

"Tehe," I laughed innocently. He jumped and pulled out his gun.

"Who's there?!" He demanded in a commanding voice. Love it. I streaked from the alleyway and sliced the gun with my claws. I smirked at his surprised look. He strained his eyes in the direction I went in. "I know you're there. Come out, Nightmare." He said, trying to sound unfazed, but I could smell his fear. It made me even more excited. Nightmare. So that's the nickname the detectives have given me. The notorious criminal. I'm surprised it wasn't Jack the Ripper. I silently slipped out of the shadows and into the light. He gasped.

"A woman?!" He stated in shock. I gave him my signature insane face. He raised a shaking finger. "Y-you're N-N-Nightmare?!" He shouted. I laughed.

I was in his face in a second. "No, silly. I'm Star." I whispered in his ear.


"Mr. Shippo?!" An assistant addressed me.

"What is it, Sango?" I asked wearily. I looked over to see the assistant's tear-streaked face.

"I-I-It's Miroku's Sheriff hat! Stained in blood!" She said. I went over and rubbed her shoulders to sooth her.

"I'm sure he died trying to protect this unfortunate woman." Was all I could muster. Miroku and Sango, I knew were close, and Miroku and I were very good friends. Although a bit flirtatious, he was a good man. All I could do was sooth her as she bawled her eyes out.

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