A Prophecy of Worlds to Fall

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Artist of Chapter Image: Unknown

Source of Chapter Image: Pinterest

Character Origin of Chapter Image: Anime: Inuyasha

Disclaimer: I recognize the image to be art of a character created by someone else. I do not own rights to the artwork, nor do I seek to appropriate it as mine nor of my own mind. I simply include this work as reference for the characters of this story, since I do not currently have the skills to draw them myself nor the means to commission. Thank you :)

"Ciao." I saluted the demon with a smirk as she walked up, earning me a growl. To say the least, she didn't like me, and our last encounter didn't help.

"Don't push it sweetheart. I'm only doing this for Sessy." She smirked.

"Sesshomaru." Sesshomaru corrected in annoyance. His mother laughed.

"So cold toward a mother." She teased. Her playfulness vanished when she saw the people behind us, who all had completely shocked faces. "Inuyasha?" Her eyebrow rose in curiosity. "So, you're the half-breed." She said with distaste, and Inuyasha narrowed his eyes at her words.

"Leave him alone!" Kagome defended.

"Don't talk to me girl! Learn respect!" His mother exclaimed with rising anger.

"To the point." I stepped in front of her.

"Oh, that's right. You're in a hurry, aren't you?" She laughed. "Well, you'll want to hear this." She said. "You, Star, are a part of a dead race. You're no longer living. You died three hundred years ago, when the great civil war broke out between the Tenshi no Sekai Daiyōkai and the Kage Karasu Daiyōkai. They shared the rule of the Eastern Lands and turned bitter to one another as a quarrel for who ruled became apparent." She smirked. "You were the next heir in line for the throne, so naturally, the main target. Your parents, not wanting to involve you, made a deal with none other than the parents of Yoshe Hajimara. Of course, her parents had ulterior motives themselves and were on the Kage Karasu Daiyōkais' side of the fight. Your parents, unknowing to where Yoshe's parents' loyalty lied, gave you to them in desperation as the Tenshi no Sekai Daoyōkai prepared their last defense against their enemies. Your race was the obvious stronger one, but they didn't want to harm the Kage Karasu Daiyōkai, which is what led to their ultimate defeat, and that last little prophecy you shared with us was your race's last requiem." She looked to the ground. "Your kind loved to sing as a way of entertainment and fun, so at their last moments, the remaining soldiers and citizens sang a song, which became famous after the war known as the Tenshi's Requiem of the Solemn Hour." She looked at me. "Your race was the most exquisite, unique ethnicity, and once the world lost the joys of the Tenshi no Sekai Daiyōkai, it began to fall into despair itself, along with its inhabitants." She said with a hint of nastolgia. "The remaining people of the Kage Karasu Daiyōkai were low because of the war, and they eventually died off." She looked intimidated by her next story.

"What about me? What happened to me?" I pressed her forward. She sighed.

"As Yoshe's parents were about to kill you, a bat demon saved you, apparently your lover." She said with a smirk. I gasped. Not Hitomu. . . But it can't be. . . Could he have been alive three hundred years ago?  "Anyway, an unexpected Kage Karasu used to be the lover of this bat demon, and she held a deep resentment towards your kind but you in particular. Yumemi, the war general of the Kage Karasu race, saw you fleeing with him, and she snapped. Her sanity vanished, and when a Kage Karasu's sanity vanishes, there is no way to escape his or her wrath." She narrowed her eyes. "She killed the bat demon as he tried to protect you, and she did The Forbidden. She killed you; then, she possessed you." Her eyes narrowed even more. I gasped.

A Pure Sacrafice From a Dark Heart [INUYASHA] [SESSHOMARUxOC]Where stories live. Discover now