Chap 12

409 7 9

[sorry I haven't been posting chile]

Natalie Pov
When I saw the thing that was making the sound I was shocked

The three blind mice and SHREK

"Oh you not Fiona" shrek said

"Shrek wait why at are you doing here??"

"I was trying to find Fiona but I got lost and some dude took me here"

"You got kidnapped aswell" I questioned


"Do you remember the mans face" I asked

"Well the dude looked kinda skinny and a bit short, Oh and he also said the N word a lot even though he was white"

[im black btw]

The man who shrek was describing kinds sounded familiar but I can't put my finger on it

"Do you know how to escape" i then said

"I think I have a plan" he said

He told the blind mice to try open the door for the basement. It didn't open because they were FUCKING blind.

"Oh shit we are stuck" he then said

I sighed but then noticed that the chain that he was in was not hard to unlock


I unlocked his chain

He stood up and took my chains of. Damn it's jammed he said.

I walked to a window that was not far from us.

"Do you know how to unlock this window" I asked

"No but I do got a better way" he said whilst stepping back. I hold the three blind mice whilst also stepping back

Shrek punches the window till it was all turned into shards.

An alarm went of and we quickly ran out.


guns fire form the distance


That particular bang almost got me, but I heard the footsteps of shrek stop. Shrek was on the ground, his left leg shot

"Nooooo" I scream

"Go go now" he whispered

I run with the three blind mice, until I bumped into someone. This time it wasn't swiper it was someone else

"What did I tell you, you should've waited" he injects me with something that made me pass out. I look at the mans face. It was lilhuddy

"Why did you do this" I whispered

He glanced at me. With a smirk he said
"Goodnight nigg-"

I passed out

[what am I writing]

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2020 ⏰

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