Chap 11

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Barron Pov
It has been 2 days dive Natalie was missing. I was trying my best to find her but there was no sign of her. The last time I saw her was at the attack on the building.

The government agreed that we shalt pick a new president until we find Natalie. My father was furious about the news but he agreed because he didn't want to get fined.

I went back to the place where Natalie was, well the last time I saw her.

It was really upset about this. I didn't know if she was dead or alive. The building had fully collapsed leaving broken shards of glasses and bricks

I felt a tap on my shoulder, it was Jungkook

"You still looking for her" he questioned

"Mm" I responded

We both heard footsteps coming towards us, we both turn around to our suprisement it was JOHN CENA??

"Mr Cena, wh-what are you doing here" I asked

He sits on a on a broken chair lighting a cigarette whilst doing so [don't ask me if John Cena smokes I just want him to be more mysterious 🤷🏾‍♀️]

"I think I know the whereabouts of Natalie" he said

I was shocked until he said

"But you have to solve a riddle that my queen is struggling on"

"Who is your queen" I asked

"The Nicki Minaj"

[sorry if this was short]

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