Part 1: Chapter 2

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"Encore, baby!"

"Encore! Encore! Come on!"

"I'm sorry everyone. It's just the one song for tonight," the singer replied with a soft voice. She spoke English with an accent. I didn't expect that. And her voice was soft, but I already thought of that beforehand.

She had a bright smile as she left the stage. She even walked past me and happily embraced Rosé when she reached her. The men beside me seemed to be watching as well as I heard one of bragging about the photo they took of her. They moved past me and approached Rosé and her friend. Interesting.

I couldn't help but follow closely and eavesdrop on their conversation. I still wanted to know more about the girl in Chanel.

There were men making advances on her, of course, but she turned them down, obviously. It was getting awkward as they kept bugging her, and it was quite uncomfortable for me to listen too. I thought the issue would resolve itself since these were grown men hitting on a younger women, and because it would be cliché for her to fall in love with me after saving her, but these men wouldn't stop.

"Excuse me, pervert. I think you've made her uncomfortable enough," I said and grabbed his hand that had reached for her butt. Again, a bit predictable that he was bad news but that's only because this isn't new. Especially for younger women at a club full of perverts.

The men scoffed, "pervert? And what about you? Who the fuck do you think you are?"

He shoved my chest once but I caught my balance.

"You shouldn't touch people without their permission," I said with my hands in surrender. If he was going to hit me, I could at least protect my face. It's pretty important for the job that I have.

"Says the person who grabbed my hand away. Is she your girlfriend or something? What's your problem, kid."

Alright, this pervert needs to think of better threats or is that what all people from the 1800s say?

"Actually... He's my boyfriend."

The girl appeared beside me and grabbed my hand to intertwine our fingers together. Did I underestimate this about her?


"If he was your boyfriend, then why did you walk past him earlier to hug your friend?" the pervert asked. Ugh, couldn't he have just accepted that fact that I'm not into sleeping with creepy drunk men?

Thank god for this handsome stranger to stand up for me because I didn't feel like being violent tonight but he's not doing a great job in defending himself. Claiming that he was my boyfriend was just easier but now I'm faced with a question of credibility.

"It's a large crowd, sir. I don't notice everyone, especially with a bright light shining in my eyes," I replied with a bit of sarcasm. It was easy for me to pretend to be brave like this, but my heart always raced when people approached me with bad intentions. They didn't usually touch me either but if it wasn't for someone's interjection, I would've broke his wrist.

The man scoffed at me and the stranger, who's hand I was holding tightly. I couldn't help it, I feared the pervert would become violent and I wouldn't be able to fight for the both of us. Plus, this handsome stranger was my type.

Then he let go of my hand and slipped his arm around my waist. His fingertips lingered on my hips and I'd be lying if I said that his touch didn't feel pleasant.

"Do you mind leaving her alone now?" he asked.

I can't tell if he's normally polite to rude people or if he's actually a push over because if that was the case, I no longer have interest in him.

The pervert eventually left and the stranger took his hands off of me. In fact, the moment he did that, all his attention shifted to Chaeyoung. He was bright-eyed and basically drooling over her. I guess you could say he was fanboying but, even if it wasn't genuine, didn't we just flirt a minute ago?

"That's right! No wonder I thought you looked familiar! You're one of the regulars here, aren't you?" Chaeyoung asked and he nodded.

"I am. But what about your friend? I've never seen her around much," he replied. He's asking Rosie-I called her that as a nickname of her English name, Roseanne-as if I'm not even here. How rude.

"No, no. She actually comes for the bar quite often. I'm surprised you haven't met her yet. She's-"

"Ahem," I said to stop her sentence. If this guy wants to know who I am, he find out himself.

And I'm a little shocked myself that I haven't met him before. The reason I come to this nightclub is to find someone worth my time, however I always end up going home alone. The men here are just too... weird and smelly and, well, old and perverted. Having a sugar daddy would be nice but I'd rather have sex with someone who could keep up with my own needs in bed, if you know what I mean.

"I've never been at the bar the same time you're on stage. That could be why I've never seen her."

They two kept talking as if I was invisible. Actually, Chae mentioned me a couple more times but he didn't seem interested in speaking with me directly. What's his deal? If he flirted with me a little more, he could at least leave the club with a kiss but I guess he's out of luck because there's no way I'd kiss him if he ignores me like this. There are plenty of other men I could be with. He doesn't know what he's missing.

"Anyway, I should go. I've got to get back to my job," he said and walked away with a wave and a smile.

'His job'? Who works this late in the night?- unless he works at a pizza joint or at a bar. Whatever, it didn't concern me anyway. Goodbye, fanboy.

"Hm, I wonder what he does for a living. What job would need him to start work this late?" Chaeyoung asked as if she read my mind.

"Ha, maybe he's a prostitute," I joked. "Who cares, Rosie? You have a boyfriend so that guy shouldn't matter."

"I'm not looking for a hookup, unnie, I'm just curious about my fan. I hope prostitution isn't the case, though, but if it was, you wouldn't be interested."

"Me? Why would I be interested at all? He's ignored me the entire time you guys talked and I was standing right next to him!"

"He asked about you but you clearly didn't want to be introduced," she laughed. "Besides, I know the look in your eye when you see something you want. What's stopping you from going after him right now?"

"Well..." I began and tried to think of something to say but my mind was blank. "Ugh, whatever. If he comes here often, he could find me if he wants."

"Very pretentious, no?"

"He's your fanboy, Rosie, not mine. I don't go for seconds."


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