Kidnappings and secrets Pt.1

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Peter is NOT Spider-Man in this oneshot but still has his muscles and he's a badass softy for Mj. Mj and him are dating. Ned and Betty are also dating. NICE FLASH! Woooo!





"FLASH! Just give up already! We're not getting out of this anytime soon." Michelle whispered-yelled.

"I have to at least try! No one else is doing it!" He whispered-yelled back.

"Their unconscious, you idiot!" She whispered-yelled, glaring towards him.

If your wondering what's happening here.....



No One's POV

Most of the decathlon team, which consisted of Michelle, Peter, Ned, Betty and Flash because the rest were busy doing whatever they do, were walking down the empty streets of New York.
They had just come out of the library from there weekly late Friday night study sessions.

They were passing a dark and eerie alleyway when a group of men with scars and tattoos came out.

"Lookie Lookie what we got here fellas...." One of the bigger built guys growled as him and his group surrounded the unsuspecting teens.

"Can we help you, Sirs?" Peter asked warily, gripping onto Mj's hand pulling her and everyone close. He didn't say anything as he nodded towards his pals and they launched themselves towards the teens. They managed to knock Betty, Flash and Ned out after loud struggle.

Peter had right hooked one of the guys in the face but heard screams behind him, he turned only to see Mj struggling to hold off two of the kidnappers. He tried to launch towards her but the guy he fought who now had a broken nose, grab the back of his shirt and threw him to the concrete, knocking him unconscious. Fading into the darkness he heard a few more grunts, someone yelling his name then that person falling to the ground aswell.

--3 Hours Later--

Peter groaned as he opened his eyes, sitting up slightly. He looked towards his left and saw Ned and Betty still knocked out. He looked towards his right and saw Flash and Mj glaring and whisper yelling at each other.

Flash had a black eye and bruises going down his arms while Mj had multiple scratches and bruises on her.
He turned back towards Ned and Betty, as they were now waking up.

Betty had a few bruises, a split lip and maybe a fractured arm. Her and Ned's eyes hazed over from being unconscious. Ned on the other hand had multiple bleeding scars, a broken nose and a few bruises cascading down his chest and arms.

Peter himself from the looks and pain he was feeling, had a broken nose, black eye, a few cracked ribs with bruises cascading down his arms and legs. He groaned as he sat up. Mj turning towards him.

"You okay?" She asked warily.
He just groaned, nodding his head lightly. Betty, Ned and Flash were now sitting in front of them, asking each other how bad it hurt or if they were okay.

"What the hell happened?" Peter asked, leaning on the cold, damp wall behind him.

"Well.... I woke up first, then Flash.....the man from earlier came back and started asking us questions demandingly. We just sat silently and when he got frustrated, his men came back and started being us all up, knocking Flash and I unconscious until about maybe 30-40 minutes ago? Flash then started ramming into the door and then you guys woke up.... " Mj explained, wincing as she pulled herself next to Peter, making him believe she might have a few fractured if not broken ribs.

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