Spideychelle minishots 5

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Okay ummmm....

This is kinda like super steamy......so you have been warned!

*Fuzzy looks behind her covering mic* "Am I even allowed to release this?" Mumbling was heard, "I mean yeah there are worse things.....Okay okay, I'll just do it. I already have it."



Michelle and Peter: *having a massive argument*

Ned: *whilst eating popcorn* "You guys should totally kiss.."

Michelle, looking at Peter with a look of disgust: "I'm not kissing that."

Betty: "That's not what you said yesterday....."

Peter, giving a look of confusion: "What did she sat yesterday?"

Betty: *air quotes* "I'd let Peter smack my peach until it bruised and bang me like a nail into a piece of wood."

Michelle: ....

Peter: ....

Ned: *throwing popcorn at them* "Boo! Worst movie ever!" *grabbing Betty's hand and leaving*


Peter is not a morning person, while Michelle is an early riser who has trouble getting Peter out of bed in time. She often tries coaxing, sweet-talking, or even complaining, but finally got fed up and said, -

"Fine, suit yourself. I'm going to  take a shower. I wanted you to join me, but I guess I'll have to take it by myself.." She said seductively.

Peter immediately leaps up and says, "No! No! I'm up!"

"I knew that would work.." Michelle said, smirking.

He immediately throws her over his shoulder and runs into the bathroom..... Plenty of steaminess happens afterwards.


Peter: *stubs toe on edge of table leg* "FUCK!"

Mj: *stops drinking her tea* "Put a dollar in the swear jar." and continues drinking rest of tea.

Peter: *takes random can out of trash can* "Judging on what you did last night, I think you need to put a dollar in the sin tin"

Mj: *spits out tea onto counter*


Peter, in bed: "You awake?"

Mj: "No."

Peter: "come on, this is important."

Mj: "Fine, what?"

Peter: *kisses Mj's nose* "I love you."

Mj: "I love you too.... Now go the fuck to sleep."

I WARNED YOU ALL! If you were an innocent bean (which I know NONE of you are because.... Cmon this is wattpad) then im sorry I ruined you're precious mind!

Okay im done being a dramatic bitch. I hoped you enjoyed! ❤️


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