Sensitive Kids (Pt. 1)

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Peter accidentally turns Mj and Himself into little kids and now the avengers have to take care of them.

Mj's POV

"Peter!" I called out walking into the lab.

"Yeah Mj?" I heard, I looked around before I saw Peter holding a beaker a few feet away from me.

"Hey I need you to sign this off for me. Also what's in the beaker?" I ask.

"Well I made a solution that can turn anyone into a kid for the next prank war. I'm still working on the antidote though so I was just about to put this away." He explained. I nodded and handed him the tablet but in the rush I accidentally made him drop the beaker.

"Oh shit, sorry Babe." I say softly.

"I'll clean it up,-" "WAIT MJ NO!" I hear when I touch the solution from a piece of glass. I look up and see Peter had touch the same spot I did.

"Mj! I made it so when it touches your skin you automatically turn into a kid! Hurry wash your hands!" Peter yells but it's to late..........

There sat.... Peter and Mj unconsciousness and as kids......


No One's POV


"Sir it seems like Peter and Michelle are in distress" FRIDAY called out.

"What? Why?" Tony asks. Everyone just looks at each other before going towards the elevator to the labs.

"What's wrong with my паучок и маленький шпион?" (Baby spider and Little Spy) Natasha asks worried. Everyone else feeling mixed feelings started asking Tony questions like he was supposed to know the answer:

"I don't know guys! Let's go and find out!" Tony yelled frustrated with all the damn questions.


Heading into the lab they didn't see anything unusual.......well that is until they spotted a shattered beaker and cracked tablet on the ground. The liquid that was inside dried up. Walking cautiously around they spotted a floof of curly brown hair trying to reach the door knob.

"Peter...?" Tony said cautiously. The figure appearing to of heard him stopped and made his way to where he could be seen.

A pair of chocolate brown puppy eyes look at the avengers. He was in the same outfit seeing as it shrunk with him.

"Dad!" Peter yelled happily. Tony stared in shock.

His son was a little kid!......AGAIN!

"Peter! What happened! Why are you a kid?!?" He asked confused.

"Wel I wuz dowing expwrimwnts and Em camw in and accidwntwy knwckwd it ovwr! Sow now we arws babwes" Peter explained.

(Translation if you need it: "Well I was doing experiments and Em came in and accidentally knocked it over! So now we are babies.")

"Oh okay......but wait where is Michelle?" Tony ask worried. Peter shrugged, he honestly had no idea where his girlfriend was as he had just woken up from being unconscious.

Continuing to look around the room with the help of Peter they tried to find Mj.


Clint was about to leave the area he was in when he saw a long strand of curly brown hair sticking out from under a desk.

He crouched down and look into the dark until he saw teary hazel eyes staring at him.

"Guys! I found her! She's under her desk!" Clint yelled out, looking away.

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