"Did you even love him?"

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No One's POV

Peter never understood why the avengers hated him. He never understood why his own father hated him. All his life he always heard,

"Your useless, you know that? Can't even do the simplest of things." Steve said to Peter when he accidentally spilled a glass of juice he was handing to him.

"Seriously? I always thought you were smarter then this. Gosh kid, no wonder Pepper left for that three month business trip." Sam said to him when he got a B- on a English quiz.

"God dammit Peter! Why can't you remember the move! Why can't you do it right! We've been practicing this for 3 weeks!" Bucky yelled at him when he couldn't do a move correctly.

And many more from the other avengers but one of the most hurtful was when Tony said this to him,

"Peter! Stop messing with my codes! Geez, can't even do one damn thing right......no wonder I've always hated you." Tony basically yelled.

Peter was heartbroken. He never expected to hear that from his own father. If your wondering why he's never said anything it's because he was always threatened that if he did they would hurt him.

Pepper was away for a business trip so she never saw any of this. They always acted normal with her around but when she would leave they would go back to hating him.

~Time Skip~

Michelle had her suspicions when Peter would show up to school with a black eye or limping when he didn't even go on patrol.

So one day she asked if she could come over. He hesitated but said yes anyway.

So when she arrived she didn't expect the avengers to be scowling when Peter walked in but when she did they put on fake smiles.

When they got to Peter's room she was surprised to say the least. His bed was just a twin sized bed in the corner with a light blanket and one pillow.

He had a small dresser with a very small amount of clothes, most of which were thrown about ripped and shredded.

His desk had many holes from what seemed to be from a knife in it. His computer was cracked and breaking.

Michelle was furious. Peter was such a kind and wonderful person, how could his family do this to him?

There were times when she came over and he had a few cuts or bruises that weren't fully healed.
But she finally drew the line when he came to school with a broken arm, black eye and busted lip. He was always wincing every time he moved which made her think he had broken or fractured ribs.

"Peter! Are you okay!" She asked worriedly looking him over.

Before he had the chance to reply he collapsed. "SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE! PLEASE!" Ned yelled trying to wake Peter up.

"Ned make sure Peter gets to a hospital. Call me if something happens." Michelle said furiously. She grabbed his pass and make her way to Stark Industries.

When she got there she scanned his pass and made her way up to the penthouse. Once getting there she saw all of the avengers sitting in the living room laughing.

She slammed her book on the glass table, shattering it.

"ARE YOU ALL INSANE!" She yelled.

All of the avengers looked stunned,

"What the hell are you going on about?" Tony ask furious that she was making such accusations.

"Peter! You know your son! The one you've been abusing, the one who just collapsed in school from being in so much pain from what YOU did to him!" She screamed at them.

~Spideychelle and Avengers Family Oneshots~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang