17 - Your Fiancée is a Safety Threat

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Kennedy's P.O.V.

All is well. I'm now nine months pregnant, the boys are back to performing in Liverpool for the time being, they just got a manager, and George and I are set to get married in 4 months. Life is great. I'm awoken from my daydream by my fiancé kissing my forehead.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks as he sits next to me on our couch.

"You. Me. The baby." I sigh. "Our baby that's gonna be born any minute now."

"Speaking of which, did we have any names?"

Oh shit. "No. Oh my god, we're so not ready to be parents! We don't have a name!"

"Kenny, Kenny! Let's just think of one now! Let's start with boy names. Okay, what's a boy name you like?"

"Um. Uh... I- pshhhhh... uhhh... George! George junior!"

"No, next."

"Umm... how about you come up with one!"

"Uhhh... I... don't fucking know. Should we try girl names?"

"Nope. Louise. No fucking question."

"I love that." He smiles at me. "So we just need a boy name."

"Hmm... ooh! Well, you know how I was reading this book the other day on different music and instruments and stuff?"

"Yes. Why?"

"I was reading about the scale with sitars, these cool Indian instruments, and A B would be Dha Ni. So I was thinking that that would be a cute name! Dhani!"

"Dhani... Dhani Harrison. I love it."


"Yes! Dhani or Louise."

I smile brightly at him, then my face falls.

"What is it?" He panics.

"Geo... I think my water just broke."

George's P.O.V.

"Oh my god! You're- uh! Ah! What the fuck do we do?!"

"Well getting to the hospital would be a good idea! But first, we have to bring a bag!"

"A bag?!"

"Yes! With extra clothes and toothbrushes and stuff! I don't know, things we're gonna need!"

"Okay, I'll go up and get that stuff, you call my mum and ask her to drive us!" I yell as I climb the stairs into our room.

Okay what kind of shit might we need? Shirt! For Kenny, um... blue! And for me... black! Okay, pants. Kenny, leggings, me, jeans. Bras! One bra. Red. Um... red panties for her too I guess. Tooth brushes! Mine, hers, and toothpaste. Okay, um. What the fuck else?

"George! Your mum is here! Now can we please go because I feel like this baby is gonna pop out of me in the car!"

I sprint down the stairs and lead her into the backseat.

"Okay, breathe. Breathe. You've got this. Let's have a baby, darling."

She smiles at me weakly as tears run down her face. "Let's have a baby."

I rush her inside of the hospital, where a nurse wheels her into a room. I follow close behind.  

"Sir, you cannot be in the delivery room. I'm sorry."

"Wait what?! Please? I need to be with her!"

"I'm afraid you can't." She retorts and enters the room.

I can't stand this. I can't see her, but I can hear everything. Groans, screams, breathing, all of it. And above all, crying. "Why can't he be in here?! I can't do this without him!" I hear.

It's driving me crazy. I decide to try and block out the cries by covering my ears and humming a song we wrote together. She came up with the tune a long time ago, and I put words to it in Hamburg. It's called Don't Bother Me. As soon as I finish, I look up and see a nurse standing above me.

"Mr. George Harrison?" She asks me. 


"Miss Kennedy Reed requested your presence."

"I thought I couldn't go in."

"She cut one of the nurses with her nails. Your fiancée is a safety threat without you to keep her tamed."

I laugh softly and practically run in next to her and hold her hand.

"Georgie! Thank god! I can't do this without you. I love you so much!"

"I love you too, now let's get this baby out."

As the nurses tell her to, she pushes, squeezing my hand tighter and tighter until she stops. Then tighter and tighter and then she stops. It feels like it's never going to end, until the doctor says "I can see the head!"

"Holy shit, really?!" I exclaim and go over to see. "Kenny, they're beautiful! Keep going!"

I run back to her side so we can hold my hand as she continues to push. "You're doing it, Kennedy. One more big push!" The doctor tells us.

She screams and groans as she pushes harder and harder, until... they ask me to cut the cord.

Kennedy's P.O.V.

"It's a boy!" I hear.

"Oh my god." I cry. "George! It's a boy!" I can't stop crying. No matter how hard I try, it won't stop.

"Kenny, I love you so much! You did such an amazing job, baby."

"Here's your beautiful baby boy!" The nurse says, placing him in my arms after cleaning him off.

"Holy shit." I cry, kissing his forehead. "Hello there Dhani."

"Dhani Harrison." George smiles, teary eyed.

"Dhani? What a cute name!" I hear the voice of Louise.

"Louise, oh my god! Look!" I giggle, motioning to my son. "Your grandson!"

"Ah! So adorable. Good job, you two." She smiles, pulling George into a hug.

"Is that our little niece or nephew?" I hear John asks as he enters the room, followed by Paul and Ringo.

"Nephew." I say. "Dhani Harrison."

"Aren't you two glad that you got back together before he was born?" Ringo laughs.

"Very." I smile. All I can do is smile and cry. I have a baby. 

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